Pre-meeting Reports

3 March 2020


The Chairman sadly announced that Bob Cassidy, a former town councillor had recently passed away.


191.   Andy Osman – Head of Emergency Planning at Suffolk County Council


        The Chairman introduced Andy Osman who briefed the meeting on the changes being made to the Emergency Plan for the Sizewell Power Stations which had been required by new legislation.  He explained a new inner area 1.35km zone would ensure permanent residents receive iodine tablets and further safety tiered zones of 15km and 30km have been put in place.  An emergency planning exercise is scheduled for 8 July to ensure all parties are fully equipped and able to manage any emergency event.  Cllr Betson asked who delivers the iodine tablets and Cllr O’Reilly queried how residents will get the information.   Mr Osman confirmed NHS England arrange distribution points for iodine tablets mainly at GP surgeries and pharmacies.  Information on procedures will be given to residents and in the event of an emergency a helpline will be activated.  Rest centres will be opened in a safe location for people to go to and bus transport will be provided.  A resident felt strongly a public enquiry should be held on Sizewell and was very concerned on transport issues for evacuating residents, especially in the middle of the night.  Mr Osman confirmed containment of the site from any nuclear spill gives 10-12 hours and plans are in place for evacuating people.  Another resident raised concerns regarding the evacuation plan with all the potential energy projects on the horizon, there is only one road in and out of Sizewell.  Mr Osman confirmed once Sizewell C has submitted the DCO (Development Consent Order) he will then be able review the plans to incorporate this new station.


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm, it was proposed by Cllr Ginger and seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed that Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public session to complete.


192.    County Councillor


The Chairman welcomed County Cllr Rainger who gave an update on recent activities.  He advised SALC had met with the Norfolk branch (NALC) and were putting similar motions together to lobby the government against the energy projects covering both areas.  County Cllr Rainger confirmed street lighting would be improved with LED lights which is being rolled out over a 3 year period.  He advised work had started at Aldringham Parrot to resolve the recent flooding issues which would include a road closure and is also pushing for the flooding problems on the Leiston to Knodishall road and the Leiston to Saxmundham road to be addressed.  County Cllr Rainger confirmed SCC has committed to provide continued financial support to the Citizens Advice over the next 3 years with a review of the Eastern operation (Lowestoft, Felixstowe and Leiston) to become more economic.   Cllr O’Reilly queried if savings in other areas meant staff would be affected and County Cllr Rainger advised there would be no change in the service for Leiston.  Cllr Last asked if SCC were issuing guidance regarding the Coronavirus and County Cllr Rainger advised Public Health England were issuing advice and guidance.  Questions were asked regarding potholes in Park Hill and Waterloo Avenue and County Cllr Rainger will chase those up.


193.    District Councillor


          A report was tabled and Cllr Jocelyn Bond and Cllr Cooper were in attendance.  Cllr Geater advised the footpath from Aldeburgh Road to Southfield Drive was full of dog waste and the Clerk will ask for this to be cleared.  Cllr Levermore raised concerns regarding various issues at the leisure centre with the roof leaking and a fire exit chained up.  Cllr Cooper will speak to Tim Snook, Leisure Contract Manager at ESC.  Cllr Harle commented that the Ashfield Drive sign still has not been put up.  Cllr Cooper will chase this up with Norse.


194.    Public Forum


          No questions were raised.





held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 3 MARCH 2020 at 8.02pm




Councillor Mrs L Hill (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor Mrs S Betson

Councillor D Boast

Councillor A M Cooper

Councillor D Dix

Councillor Mrs S M Geater

Councillor C Ginger

Councillor P Harle

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor J N Last BEM

Councillor S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor S O’Reilly



195.    Minutes


          It was proposed by Cllr Last, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 4 February 2020 be signed as a true record.


196.    Apologies


          Apologies were received from Cllr Woolf.





197.    Chairman’s Communications


          Cllr Hill reported as follows:


          I attended, with the Town Clerk, a meeting with the Environment Agency and the Office of Nuclear Regulation which will be reported on under agenda item 12 (d). I also attended, with the Deputy Town Clerk, a training session on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).


          Due to the planned visit to Hinkley, neither I or the Vice Chairman are able to attend the Inspire Suffolk Staff and Students Awards event on 10 March. Cllr Cooper has kindly agreed to attend and will present the award, sponsored by the Town Council, to the winners of the Student Award for Community Engagement.


          As you will be aware plans are well in hand for Leiston’s Big Weekend which includes the 75th VE Day Anniversary event on 8 May and the ‘At the Movies’ themed day with Cinema in the Park and Fireworks on the 9 May. The organisers are seeking volunteers to help set up and clear away at various times from Thursday evening to the Sunday afternoon. If you are able to offer some time please let Cllr Levermore, Cllr Last or myself know. Your support would be much appreciated.


198.   Declarations of Interest


          Cllr Cooper for item 12 and item 15 letter 4, Cllr Hill for Leiston Film Theatre, Cllr Geater for item 8, Cllr Last for item 15 letter 2, Cllr O’Reilly for item 15 letter 3.


199.    Leiston Together Update


          The Clerk briefed members on the recent Leiston Together meeting and the presentation they received from EDF at the meeting on the emerging Net Zero Leiston project.  This was an exciting initiative that was looking at the possibility of making Leiston one of the first net zero towns in the country. EDF had drawn together a number of local, national and international partners and contractors to produce a roadmap of how the aim can be achieved. The paper the Clerk had produced for councillors explained that the project was not dependent on Sizewell C getting consent in any way and would proceed whatever. The project did need the full support of Leiston residents and, of course, the Town Council. It was not something that was going to “done to Leiston” rather with the Council’s support, “would be done with Leiston”.   After a short discussion, it was proposed by Cllr O’Reilly, seconded by Cllr Betson and agreed to fully support the Net Zero Leiston project. The Clerk was asked to thank EDF for choosing Leiston for this initiative. 


200.    CLT Trustee Board


Cllr Hill updated the meeting on this item thus:


The United Church project has moved on with the removal of the ivy on both sides of the wall that divides the Co-op car park from the United Church garden. The Co-op organised for the work to be done on their side and CLT Trustees undertook the work on the Church side. The CLT are grateful to the Town Council for funding a topographical study for the area which has been completed. The CLT also wish to thank our District Councillors for the grant of £4,200 from their Enabling Communities Budgets which will allow us to engage Gladwells Landscape Designers to undertake the initial design and plan for the garden project. The plans will be shared with the community and once costings are known will allow the CLT to seek further funding to complete the project. It is the CLT’s intention to encourage wildlife in the garden with a range of plants and to provide insect hotels and bird boxes. We are keen to get the young people from CYDS involved with the garden project and a meeting will be set up with them and Zoe Botten from ESC.


The CLT have not been successful, on this occasion, in getting through the first stage of the funding process for the National Lottery which would have allowed us to employ a project manager. We were, however, advised that we could come back and apply again. We will learn this month if we have been successful with the grant application to The Fore which will allow us to employ an architect for preliminary work on the main town centre project.


A further meeting has been arranged with Alan Collard the advisor we have through our successful bid with Bright Ideas. The meeting will cover various financial aspects including drafting a set of financial regulations for the CLT, drafting financial projections and looking at possible capital funding sources.


Interest in the plans for the town continues to grow and membership, as of this morning, is 290 (248 full members and 42 associate members) an increase of 61 since my last report. Following a request from Trustees of the Leiston Works Railway two Trustees went along to their meeting to give a presentation on the proposals for the town. As of yesterday, there are display boards at the Leiston Leisure Centre regarding the town centre proposals which will be there for all of March and we thank the Leisure Centre for their support. There will also be presentations at two Alde Valley Academy assemblies to inform the students of the plans.  Although they are not yet old enough to become members it is hoped that they will be interested in the future of their community and that information will be fed back to their parents and carers. Further sessions will be held in the Co-op and the CLT will have a stand at Leiston’s Big Weekend. I am also advised that people are regularly going into No. 22 on a Tuesday morning interested to hear about the proposals.


201.    Highways Committee Meeting – 11 February 2020


          Cllr Last referred to the report and recommendations from the Highways Committee meeting.  Firstly, regarding the entrance to the new housing development on Carr Avenue it was proposed by Cllr Last, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed for a letter to be sent to ESC Planning and SCC asking for the developer to honour their obligations with regards to the visibility splay and vegetation issues.  With regards to the pedestrian crossing on Aldeburgh Road, it was proposed by Cllr Ginger, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed to proceed, in principle, with the pedestrian crossing on Aldeburgh Road and obtain a design estimate quote from Highways.  






202.    Waterloo Centre Steering Group – 13 February 2020


          Councillors noted the report and recommendations.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Ginger and agreed to engage Coastal Glazing at a cost of £360 to investigate the water ingress and provide a report.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Last and agreed to engage Mr Parker to redecorate the gymnasium as quoted at £2,740.  It was proposed by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Betson and agreed to commission Mr Parker and Mr Knights to replace the remaining florescent lights with LED units for £530.  The total cost of the work £3,630 to come from the Waterloo Centre Reserve.


203.    Community Centre Replacement Windows


          Councillors noted the report and quotes previously circulated. The Deputy Clerk explained the windows at the back of the building were rotten and needed replacing.  It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to engage Coastal Glazing to replace 5 windows as quoted at £1,680 (inc VAT), which will come from the Community Centre Reserve.


204.    VE Day Preparations


          Cllr Last updated councillors on the preparations for VE Day (8 May) starting with a small service at 11am at the War Memorial, a parade through the town to Victory Road park with afternoon tea for the over 75’s and war veterans.  So far 50 residents had applied for the afternoon tea.  Cllr Last and Cllr Bailey were working on contingency plans for inclement weather.  Cllr Levermore said on the Saturday there will be a parade to kick things off, 105 stalls, craft fair, dog show, children’s activities, RBL band, local musicians and lots more with the finale being the cinema in the park in the evening.  The public vote had closed and The Greatest Showman film had been chosen.


205.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr O’Reilly and agreed that accounts presented in the sum of £20,538.63 along with £38,042.20 paid since the last meeting, be approved for payment.


206.    Planning Matters


a)     DC/20/0433/FUL – Conversion and alterations to redundant agricultural barn to provide 9 units of holiday let accommodation at Timber Mill Barn, Sizewell Hall Road, Leiston


The Clerk will request a condition for a maximum 8 week occupation or similar condition to ensure they do not become long term lets.








b)     DC/20/0435/DEM – Deplant and remove the purge air compressor house (building number 52); deplant cochran boiler house and fuel oil tank removal (building number 95 and 96); remove 6 x redundant ISO containers (numbers 1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15); remove 2 x diesel tanks and bunds (building number 19 x 2) at Sizewell A Power Station, Sizewell




c)     DC/20/0566/FUL – Single storey extension, near rear entrance porch at 126 High Street, Leiston



d)     Verbal Debrief – Meeting with Environment Agency and Office of Nuclear Regulation


The Clerk briefed members on the recent meeting that he and the Chairman had attended where the ONR and the EA had explained how the permit system would work for Sizewell C. The main point (and concern) was that the applications from EDF for the necessary permits to build and operate the proposed station was a completely separate process to the planning process (ie the DCO). It would have been helpful if they were linked.


e)     DC/20/0819/TCA – T1 Holm Oak – reduce to pollard.  Tree is covering the street light and the traffic light cluster at Quakers Meeting House, Waterloo Avenue, Leiston



f)       DC/20/0849/VOC – Variation of Conditions 2, 4 and 5 off DC/17/1934/VOC – Two single storey dwellings and associated garages at part of rear gardens, 37A-39 Waterloo Avenue, Leiston



207.    County Matters


          Cllr Harle raised concerns from a resident in Prospect Place of speeding cars in that road.  He will forward the email to Cllr Cooper who will investigate further.


208.    District Matters


          No questions were raised.


209.    Correspondence


          Funding Request from Mollie Shaw

          Councillors noted the request from Mollie Shaw, who is an A-Level student from Leiston, asking for a donation towards her Borneo Trek with Camps International volunteering to help people in rural and deprived areas and deforestation.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed to grant £200 and to request feedback to Council from her expedition.




          Funding Request from the Fire Fighters Charity

          Councillors noted the request from the Fire Fighters Charity and as we had already given them a grant of £250 in June 2019, it was proposed by Cllr Betson, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to hold this over to the next financial year.


          Funding Request from the Disability Advice Service

          Councillors noted the request from the Disability Advice Service asking for a grant towards their running costs.  It was proposed by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed to grant £500.


          Funding Request from Suffolk Coast Against Retreat

          Councillors noted the request from SCAR asking for a donation towards their running costs.  It was proposed by Cllr Betson, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to grant £30.00.  Cllr Ginger and Cllr Geater against.


          Civil Parking Enforcement

          Councillors noted the report.  Cllr Bailey was concerned that Leiston would not be patrolled as much as the bigger towns.  After a short discussion it was agreed to invite Lewis Boudville, Parking Manager at ESC to a future Town Council meeting.


210.    Questions to the Chairman


          Cllr Betson queried the pavement area by the new housing development in the High Street, Manor Place.  Cllr Hill confirmed it had been reported to Highways but unfortunately it did not meet the criteria for repair and there was no supportive evidence that the damage was caused by the developer.





The meeting finished at 9.05pm.




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------




Dated                                                                  ---------------------------------------------