At a virtual meeting of the LEISTON-cum-SIZEWELL TOWN COUNCIL

held, via Zoom, on TUESDAY 7 JULY 2020 at 7.30pm




Councillor J N Last BEM (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor A M Cooper

Councillor Mrs S M Geater

Councillor P Harle

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor Ms M Woolf



11.     Minutes


          It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Hawkins and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 9 June 2020 and the AGM of 16 June 2020 be signed as a true record.


12.     Apologies


          Apologies were received from Cllr Ginger, Cllr O’Reilly and Cllr Dix.


13.     Chairman’s Communications


          The Chairman had attended various meetings including Leiston Together on 23 June, the Transport Group with Highways on 2 July and People and Places where next steps were discussed.


14.     Declarations of Interest


          Cllr Hill for item 7 and Leiston Film Theatre, Cllr Cooper for item 13, Cllr Levermore item 7 and Cllr Boast item 7.


15.     Public Forum


          County Cllr Rainger reported good work was still being done by the community during the Covid19 pandemic and expressed his gratitude. He also mentioned the DCO submission by EDF for Sizewell C.  The SCC June Newsletter had been previously circulated.


          District Cllr Bond and Cllr Haworth-Culf were in attendance and a report had been circulated prior to the meeting.  Cllr Cooper endorsed County Cllr Rainger’s comments on the community support during the pandemic.  Cllr Harle asked if there was any update with the Conservative Club development and the Clerk will investigate.



          A resident was appreciative for all the work the Councils were doing and thanked everyone for their support.  Mrs Lovell queried the presentation of the ‘Best Kept Allotment’ as the show was not taking place this year. It was agreed Mrs Lovell would arrange a date and organise a photographer and the Chairman would present the trophy to the winning allotment holder.


16.     Leiston Together Update


          The Clerk reported on the Net Zero Project with EDF and their partners which is looking to upgrade 30 homes in Leiston with better insulation and possibly a cheaper tariff as a pilot.  Leaflets will be distributed next week to all Leiston residents and an article will go in the next newsletter.  The Clerk advised the Leiston Together Change Manager post is being advertised by East Suffolk Council this week and will include linking with the CLT role.


17.     CLT Trustee Board


Cllr Boast updated the meeting on this item thus:


The CLT must be one of the few areas where lockdown hasn’t caused a slow down. The variety of zoom meetings have continued, building our relationship with District Council, United Church and Co-op.


Its pleasing to note that the wider attitude to our town centre regeneration programme is not ‘IF’ but ‘WHEN’ and this comes across from all agencies, all the time.


From our most recent meeting with East Suffolk Council it has been agreed that to move things on to the next step we need a Project Manager. We are now at a stage where, as Trustees, we are at times struggling and whilst we do have an architect and retired quantity surveyor as Trustees, the project has grown to a point where we need a professional Project Manager.


The CLT along with the District Council are busy drawing up a job description and personal specification, a possible internal secondment from the District Council or an external appointment, advertising this week.  Possibly part time initially, one role will be to pursue funding opportunities for the Church thoroughfare project. Whilst at the same time having the town centre regeneration programme for retail units and most importantly social housing to the fore.


The negotiations around the Church thoroughfare grows, the Church and Co-op fully supporting the exciting designs received from Gladwells landscape developers. Both the Church and Co-op are themselves going through change just as we are, with Sammy Betson leaving the CLT chair, Jane Bloor lead representative for the Co-op and Rev Ernie Bosse leaving the United Church, but in all cases the incoming representation has been briefed and the incoming officers and their respective organisations remain fully committed to the development. Particularly in the case of the Co-op where we get three senior officers replacing one, so the hope is no loss of momentum.


Funding for the thoroughfare is being progressed, there are monies available but the criteria to make a claim requires proving need, the need for CCTV and improved lighting around the garden recreation area can be seen as security, the public walk through at night, the Church and gardens being used inappropriately. We are seeking letters supporting this from the Pastors the Police and a letter of support would also be welcome from the Town Council.


Our web page designers recently visited Leiston and met us and through a range of interviews with local residents, photo shoots around our lead attractions, we excitedly await the final website. It will be interactive so that we can update the site ourselves as we progress, the launch hopefully will be the middle of the month.


The one area we are disappointed with, because of lockdown, is our inability to get out and promote the CLT to encourage new members and Trustees. We welcome Selena Levermore as our latest Trustee and are due to interview others.


The position of Chair is also an area we are pursuing with careful determination. Our present Chair is a hard act to follow. We have sought advice from Community Action Suffolk and other professional agencies as to the best way forward to recruit new Trustees, particularly a CLT chair. Where leadership, commitment and local knowledge being essential skills for this role, I look forward to having something more definite by the next meeting.


Membership is just over 300. We had hoped to be on our way to 400 by now, so our efforts are very much around promoting the CLT to recruit new Trustees and members. We have a news article in the next Council newsletter and the more the residents get to hear our positive progress the more they will come to join us.


Further to the request for a letter of support for funding, it was proposed by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed that a letter of support be sent.  The CLT will also send a letter to the Town Council for grant funding in support of their project.


18.     Hinkley Visit by Councillors on 10-12 March 2020 – Summary Report


          Report previously circulated. Cllr Last reported on a very successful fact-finding visit to Hinkley where councillors met with representatives from the local councils and community who gave very informative details on the good and bad of the Hinkley project.  After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed that Cllr Woolf writes a short resume of the visit to go in the next newsletter and that the full report goes on the website.


19.     Cinema Re-opening – 5 July 2020


          Risk assessment previously circulated.  Councillors thanked the Theatre Manager and his staff for their hard work and on a proposal by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Hill it was agreed to endorse the re-opening in retrospect.


20.     Opening up the Town – Coronavirus Guidance


          The Clerk confirmed risk assessments had been completed for the parks and play areas and posters had been put up with all the necessary guidance, to which our insurers are content.  Shops are gradually opening up and are keeping to the Government guidelines.  The Clerk advised that Stocks Fair had requested hiring Victory Road Recreation Ground next week but it was felt this was too soon and the guidance isn’t particularly clear.  It would be the Town Council’s responsibility for how many people were on the recreation ground and we couldn’t police that.  It was agreed to advise Stocks to consider dates later in the year.


21.     Councillor Vacancy


          The Clerk advised a notice had been placed on the noticeboard and on the website with a deadline of 16 July.  If more than 10 people request a by-election we will have to wait until an election can take place, otherwise we could co-opt.


22.     Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed that accounts paid since the last meeting of £24,054.51 be approved for payment.


b)    End of Year Internal Auditors report for 2019/2020

Councillors noted the report from Mrs Heelis regarding her inspection of the full annual accounts and that she had signed her section of the Annual Statement. It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that the Internal Auditors report be accepted.


c)     Annual Governance Statement for 2019/2020

It was proposed by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed that all statements on the Annual Governance Statement could be answered in the affirmative and that the Chairman be authorised to sign the document on their behalf.


d)    Annual Accounts for 2019/2020

It was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed that the accounts for 2019/2020 be approved and that the Chairman be authorised to sign the Annual Accounting Statement.


e)    Allowances

The Clerk asked councillors to let him know by email by the end of the week if they wished to take the allowance or not.


23.     Planning Matters


a)     DC/20/2318/DRC – Discharge of Condition No 11 of DC/17/1617/FUL – Redevelopment of the site for 8 dwellings – details of the estate roads and footpaths (including layout, levels, gradients, surfacing and means of surface water draining)  at Abbey View Lodges at Former Orchard House, 105 Abbey Road, Leiston


RECOMMEND APPROVAL (subject to the conditions)



b)     DC/20/2412/EIA – EIA Screening Opinion – revised proposals for the relocation of some Sizewell B facilities (that are currently to the north of the Sizewell B site) to other areas south and west of the Sizewell B complex at Sizewell B Power Station, Sizewell

The Clerk asked members to look over the proposals and to advise him of anything that needed to be amended/included.


c)     DC/20/2423/DRC – Discharge of Condition 24 of DC/19/1883/ARM – Approval of Reserved Matters – DC/16/1961/OUT – An outline planning application for up to 187 dwellings to include car parking, open space provision with associated infrastructure and access at Johnsons Farm, Saxmundham Road, Leiston


RECOMMEND APPROVAL (subject to experts approval)


24.     County Matters


          Cllr Woolf queried if there were more plans for cycle paths around Leiston.  The Clerk confirmed this is being investigated as part of the Sizewell C mitigation process.  He also confirmed Hopkins Homes, as part of the 106 agreement, were to tarmac the footpath from the leisure centre behind Quakers Way and to join up with the primary school path.


25.     District Matters


          No questions were raised.


26.     Correspondence


          ALS Community Partnership

          Cllr Hill queried when the next meeting would be arranged and our position with regards the priorities.  Cllr Cooper will clarify the position.


27.     Questions to the Chairman


          Cllr Bailey raised concerns regarding the impact on patients now having to attend Colchester Hospital instead of Ipswich for orthopaedic surgery, with the extra distance and transport issues.  He felt a letter should be sent from the Council showing their disapproval.  It was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed to send a letter to the hospital trust.  Cllr Hill commented on the letter to the Secretary of State regarding the Energy Coast projects.  Cllr Harle asked who he should contact regarding anti-social behaviour.  Cllr Cooper will send him contact details for Zoe Botten at ESC. 




The meeting finished at 9.00pm.




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                  ---------------------------------------------