At a virtual meeting of the LEISTON-cum-SIZEWELL TOWN COUNCIL

held, via Zoom, on TUESDAY 9 JUNE 2020 at 7.30pm




Councillor J N Last BEM (as Acting Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast (joined the meeting at 7.49pm)

Councillor A M Cooper

Councillor D Dix

Councillor Mrs S M Geater

Councillor C Ginger (joined the meeting at 7.42pm)

Councillor P Harle

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor S O’Reilly

Councillor Ms M Woolf



211.    Minutes


          Cllr Harle commented on minute 191 reporting that Andy Osman, Head of Emergency Planning at SCC gave the incorrect spill time of 12 hours at his briefing.  This is now being investigated and Cllr Harle will advise on the outcome.  It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 3 March 2020 be signed as a true record.


212.    Apologies


          No apologies were received.


213.    Chairman’s Communications


          Cllr Last, currently Acting Chairman after Cllr Hill stepped down, thanked Cllr Hill for her excellent leadership of the Council and outstanding commitment to the community and support to councillors during her time as Chairman.  He also thanked Cllr Betson, who resigned from the Council on 4 June, for all her hard work and commitment on all the projects she was involved in.  A letter of thanks had been sent, with good wishes for the future.  The Chairman also recognised the efforts of all the frontline workers in the Covid19 situation in the community including the NHS, volunteers and the Good Neighbourhood Scheme to name but a few.


          Cllr Hill reported on her last appointments as Chairman as follows:


          On 1 April I took part in a Skype Dial-in Conference call for the Galloper Wind Farm Fund 2020 panel meeting. The panel is advised by the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB on which the objectives of the Fund are primarily based. We were pleased to support five applications for funding which totalled nearly £11,000.


          I had accepted an invitation to attend Smyth House on 3 April on the occasion of Olive Wilson’s 100th birthday. Due to Covid-19 restrictions I was unable to visit but did send a card on behalf of the Council.  Following a request from Smyth House I was pleased to hear that many in the community had also sent cards.


214.   Declarations of Interest


          Cllr Last item 14 letter 3, Cllr Cooper for item 11 and item 14 letter 5, Cllr Hill for item 10 VE Day expenses and Leiston Film Theatre.  Cllrs Harle, Woolf, Last, Hawkins for item 10 Hinkley expenses.


215.    Public Forum


          District Cllr Bond was in attendance and a report had been previously circulated.  Cllr Cooper commented on a resident’s planning complaint in Andrew Close.  A response had been sent to him and is at a level 1 complaint.  (All correspondence had been previously circulated to LTC councillors for information).  County Cllr Rainger sent apologies and a report had been previously circulated.  No questions were raised by the public.


216.    Date for the AGM


          After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr O’Reilly and agreed to hold the AGM on 16 June.  Cllr Ginger against.


217.    Leiston Together Update


          The Clerk reported no meetings had taken place since March, but it is hoped the scheduled meeting in July will go ahead via Zoom.  The Clerk advised councillors that Mrs Gibson had handed her notice in and is leaving in August.  He is awaiting an update from Mrs Gibson on the future role of Leiston Together.


218.    CLT Trustee Board


Cllr Hill updated the meeting on this item thus:


Since my last report to Council on 3 March, the Community Land Trust have met on a number of occasions. Our last round the table meeting was on 16 March and since Covid-19 regulations were put in place we have continued with the work of the CLT and held virtual meetings to report on progress.


With grants given by our three District Councillors from their Enabling Budgets we have been able to engage Gladwells Landscape Designers to undertake the initial design and plan, together with costings for the United Church Garden and Thoroughfare Project. With significant input from Trustees Simon Merrett and Jim Florance in communicating with the Church and Gladwells an exciting potential plan and video for the garden and thoroughfare has been produced. The CLT were impressed with the proposals and sought the views of the Church before proceeding further. I am pleased to report that the Church recently responded giving their support to the design. The CLT are now in a position to share the proposals and as part of this would like to give a presentation at a future meeting of the Town Council. The next stage will be to secure funding to undertake the various elements of the project.


Towards the end of March, we learnt that although we had got through to the later stages of the grant funding process, we had not been successful in our application to The Fore. You will recall this money would have been used to cover the cost of an initial plan and site survey for the major town centre project. Due to the current situation, it has not been possible to obtain feedback as to why this bid was not successful which might assist us with our next bid. Whilst this news was disappointing, we are investigating other means of securing funding for this work and will continue in our efforts. Tomorrow the CLT will be meeting with the District Council to update them on progress and to discuss the way forward regarding the town centre project including the need for a Project Manager and advice on funding streams.


Progress has also been made on the CLT’s website. A virtual meeting was held with the web designers who gave a presentation on the layout, headings and some of the content. The Trustees were very impressed with the website and are adding further content.


Having had notice that our Chairman Sammy Betson is to move away from the area, the Board are actively looking to ensure continuity and are seeking new Trustees and a Chairman. An approach is to be made to Community Action Suffolk who may be able to assist us in this respect.


A newsletter advising members of the all latest developments will be sent to them shortly.


219.    Visibility at Victory Road and Park Hill


          This item was discussed at the Highways Committee in February with concerns over the visibility splay coming out of Victory Road and whether to move the park railings back at an expense of £1,100.  Cllr Cooper felt the railings did not cause visibility issues, it was the road sign and electricity pole that obstructed the view.  Cllr Bailey felt the posters on the railings distracted motorists.  After further discussion it was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed to not progress this any further.


220.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that accounts paid since the last meeting of £132,225.59, be approved for payment.  The Deputy Clerk advised that due to Covid19 payments had all been made via BACS and suggested this could be a more efficient way of paying invoices in the future with the correct processes in place.  It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to investigate this further and itemised on the AGM agenda. 


221.    Planning Matters


a)     DC/20/1915/FUL – Conversion of former cannery/agricultural building to form a 3 bed dwelling at The Old Barn, Church Road, Leiston





b)     DC/20/1916/LBC – Listed Building Consent – Conversion of former cannery/agricultural building to form a 3 bed dwelling at The Old Barn, Church Road, Leiston



c)     DC/201917/FUL – Conversion of redundant barn to form a 4 bed dwelling at The Old Barn, Church Road, Leiston



d)     Sizewell C – DCO Update


The Clerk confirmed EDF had submitted the DCO at the end of May and it would be very unlikely we hear anything until early July. Cllr Woolf informed the meeting that she had attended a meeting with other parishes to discuss how the SPR DCO, this and others coming along, could be adequately addressed in the current situation. It was likely we would be asked to support future correspondence in this regard.


222.    County Matters


          No questions were raised.


223.    District Matters


          Cllr Harle raised concerns regarding speeding cars in Prospect Place.  Cllr Cooper advised Cllr Harle to contact the Police and Highways.


224.    Correspondence


          Funding Request from Age UK Suffolk

          Councillors noted the request from Age UK Suffolk, asking for a donation towards their Emergency Fundraising Appeal – Good Day Calls.  It was proposed by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed to grant £100.


          Funding Request from Magpas Air Ambulance

          Councillors noted the request from Magpas Air Ambulance, asking for a donation towards the running costs of their charity.  It was proposed by Cllr Ginger, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed to grant £300.


          Funding Request from the Fire Fighters Charity

          Cllr Last declared an interest so Cllr O’Reilly took the Chair for this item. Councillors noted the request from the Fire Fighters Charity, asking for a donation to support their charity.  It was proposed by Cllr Dix, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed to grant £250.


225.    Questions to the Chairman


          Cllr Bailey queried public access to the Aldehurst Farm habitat.  The Clerk explained permission had been granted for public access and the footpaths were open and he would circulate details.  Cllr Boast asked about the access to Kenton Hills and the Clerk confirmed talks were ongoing with EDF.  Cllr Ginger commented on the traffic pinch point at the White Horse. Cllr Geater felt since the traffic light upgrade, traffic flow had improved.  Cllr Boast advised the speed sign on Abbey Road was not working and the Clerk would check it and advised Cllr Levermore that there was not a suitable post to put the speed sign on in Waterloo Avenue.  Cllr Harle commented that the skatepark lights were on from 3pm to 1am and asked if the timer could be adjusted.


          Further to Cllr Betson’s resignation from the Council, Cllr Last advised that we will not be able to fill the position until Government guidance allows us to hold an election.




The meeting finished at 8.55pm.




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------




Dated                                                                  ---------------------------------------------