27 April 2021


Dear Sir/Madam


You are hereby summonsed to attend an Extraordinary Meeting of the LEISTON-cum-SIZEWELL TOWN COUNCIL to be held virtually on Zoom on TUESDAY 4 MAY 2021 at 8.20pm following the AGM and Town Meeting.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and can email the Clerk (townclerk@leistontowncouncil.gov.uk) to receive an invite. Members of the public will be welcome to watch the proceedings but there is no public participation.




Town Clerk




This is an extraordinary meeting of the Town Council to confirm LTC representatives at the Planning Inspectorate Examination Hearings of SZC DCO and their remit.






1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest

3.    Agree Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council representatives at the Planning Inspectorate Examination Hearings of SZC DCO and their remit – reports attached

4.    Questions to Chairman