Held via Zoom on TUESDAY 4 MAY 2021 at 7.30pm





Councillor D E Bailey

Councillor D Boast (7.50pm)

Councillor A M Cooper

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor Mrs S M Geater

Councillor P Harle

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor J N Last BEM

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor Ms M A Woolf


Prior to the start of the meeting Cllr Last announced the sad passing of David Gooderham, a former Town Clerk, and asked councillors to observe a minute silence as a mark of respect.


1.         Election of Chairman 


It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Dix that Cllr Last be appointed Chairman for 2021/2022.  With no further nominations it was agreed that Cllr Last be elected.  Cllr Last read the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman and thanked councillors for their support.


2.         Apologies


Apologies were received from Cllr Ginger.


3.         Chairman’s Report for 2020/2021 (Cllr Last)


Cllr Last gave his report thus:


First of all, I would like to say it has been an honour and privilege serving as Chairman of Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council and I thank the Vice-Chairman, Cllr Cooper and my councillor colleagues for the support they have given myself, and I recognise all the hard work and effort that is made on behalf of our town. As Chairman, I sit on most sub-committees and working parties, so see first hand the contribution made by all.


The Coronavirus Pandemic had dominated a lot of how we have gone about Council business in the last twelve months and we have had to adapt to different ways of working. During these difficult times, there has been many fine examples of how the community has come together to support each other. There are so many different individuals and organisations to thank, and I thank each and every one of them.  The Leiston Surgery staff and volunteers who delivered the vaccine roll-out programme so efficiently was a major contribution to our community.


Of course there were disappointments, such as not being able to commemorate the VE Day event and also the Leiston Big Weekend. So it was pleasing that I was able to attend VJ Day in August at the Long Shop Museum and Remembrance Day Parade and Church Service, albeit in a modified format.


Challenges that the Town Council have encountered, such as the Covid-19 impact on the Film Theatre and the Waterloo Centre were concerning, so it was a relief when the Film Theatre was able to qualify for a grant from the British Film Institution, and I appreciate all the work involved in achieving that through the preparation of our submission.


Many events I would have expected to attend in person and report on this year of course did not happen.  When restrictions were eased during the summer months, it was a pleasure to award the Allotment Associations Best Kept Allotment, in July.


In December, I was pleased that the retirement of our former Town Clerk, John Rayner after 21 years loyal service, was able to be marked by being able to make a presentation to John, albeit with restrictions. That means since then, I have been operating alongside our new Town Clerk, Caroline Rinder and would like to thank Caroline for the support she has given to me in my role of Chairman.  As I mentioned earlier, it was sad to hear of the passing of a former Town Clerk, David Gooderham quite recently.


The proposed Sizewell C project has required a great deal of the Council’s time and input into the Relevant Responses and follow up liaison meetings. Now that the examination and hearings part of the process is underway, this will also require considerable effort from the Town Council. 


I am pleased to say that the Leiston Together Partnership Board, which the Town Council is represented on and the Community Land Trust, still continue to work very hard on trying to bring a better Leiston to us all and I thank everyone involved there.


Currently, we find ourselves still under some Government restrictions, but hopefully a Chairman’s Reception is not too far off where once again we will be able to thank our community members that contribute so much to our town.


And finally, there are still plenty of challenges out there for Leiston, we must keep an eye on the future and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and I welcome all the efforts of councillors in making Leiston such a good place.


4.         Appointment of Vice-Chairman 


It was proposed by Cllr Last, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed that Cllr Cooper be elected Vice Chairman.


5.         Composition of Working Parties and Representation on Other Bodies 


  Members gave their preferences as to which Committees, Working Parties or Organisations requiring a representative from the Council that they wished to be involved with for the coming year. The Clerk noted the new compositions for the coming year and asked members to look at the completed list, attached to these minutes, to ensure all their wishes had been encapsulated.

6.         Signatories for Cheques


It was agreed the current signatories for Town Council cheques should remain the same to include any two of the following councillors: Cllr Ginger, Cllr Geater, Cllr Cooper, Cllr Boast and Cllr Hill, in addition to the Town Clerk (or Assets Officer).


7.         Appoint Member to be responsible for verifying bank reconciliations in accordance with Finance Order 2.2


It was agreed that Cllr Levermore retains the responsibilities required by Order 2.2.


8.         To approve use of variable Direct Debits in respect of all utilities, software contracts, NEST pensions, rates and photocopier hire for further two years


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed that current bills signed up to direct debit contracts continue for a further two years.


9.         To approve the continued use of BACS transfer for all wages, salaries, pensions and film company invoices for further two years


It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed that BACS payments be used for all wages, salaries, pensions and film company invoices for a further two years and, due to the recent Coronavirus situation, to continue using BACS for all payments, where possible, for the foreseeable future and to amend Standing Orders as appropriate in due course. 


10.      Loan of Artefacts


The Chairman reported that various artefacts, including a working model steam tractor in a glass case, a wooden model steam lorry, a Garrett bust on a plinth, a collection of Garrett hats and a trunk, were on loan at the Long Shop Steam Museum.  He further reported that the School Bell from the former Church of England Elementary School in Waterloo Avenue was similarly on loan at Leiston Primary School.  It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed that these loans should continue.




There being no more business the meeting closed at 7.54pm




Chairman                                                                              _______________________________



Dated                                                                         _______________________________


HELD via Zoom on TUESDAY 4 MAY 2021 AT 8.00PM



The Town meeting was attended by 1 resident and 13 councillors.


The meeting was chaired by Cllr John Last.



The meeting received reports from:


Chaira Saunders on behalf of the Citizens Advice

Fraser Hale on behalf of the Long Shop Museum

Cllr Geater on behalf of the Leiston and Aldringham Nursing Association


There were written reports from:


Police Safer Neighbourhood Team – which the Clerk read out. 




A recording of the meetings are available from the Town Clerk.