Pre-meeting Reports

07 December 2021



172.    The Chairman introduced Mr Andrew Mower, Senior Community Relations Manager at EDF Energy who gave an update on the Sizewell C Project, his written presentation is attached to these minutes.


            Cllr Woolf asked if the main Development Consultation Group would have representation from groups such as RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust.  Mr Mower replied it would be possible for Parishes who are not part of the group to apply for membership via the Chair who will be independent of EDF.  External groups who are not part of the main group will be invited to attend when there are any issues relevant to them.


            Cllr Woolf asked if representatives of the forum groups would be able to take forward questions raised by the public.  Mr Mower confirmed the forums would be a two-way process where updates will be given and feedback taken.


            Cllr Morsley asked if SZC is given consent what works will happen first, will it be the infrastructure.  Mr Mower replied that enabling works on site will happen first.  Infrastructure works will happen in phases and he will provide a fuller explanation to the council on how this will work in due course.


            Cllr Hill asked how the surveys at Sizewell Beach and Sizewell Common are advertised.  Mr Mower replied that in order to get a true representation of the usage of the area the surveys are not advertised however once cameras are erected generic notices will be displayed notifying people they are there.


            Cllr Harle asked now more information is known about the Regulated Asset Base (RAB) is it known yet how much a megawatt of power will  cost.  Mr Mower replied that the estimate put out for during construction is £1 per month cost to consumers.  The actual detail of RAB and incentives are still being negotiated through Government so he has no further details on that at present.


            Cllr Harle asked about the desalination plant and how long it is likely to remain in place.  He also raised concerns regarding increases in the number of HGV’s coming to site whilst this remains in place.  Mr Mower replied the initial plan is for the desalination plant to remain in place for no longer that 3 years but it may have to remain  for the duration of construction, he cannot confirm this as EDF are still awaiting further information from Northumbrian Water.  With regards to HGV’s he reiterated what Mr McGarry informed councillors at the last update, they have been able to reschedule non-essential deliveries to ensure that the number of HGV’s attending site will not exceed the caps that have already been set.


            District Cllr Rainger asked if the survey work being carried out opposite Friday Street was EDF.  Mr Mower confirmed the surveys were being done on behalf of EDF and should finish next week.


            District Cllr Daly asked if the desalination water plant would contribute to more fish killed.  Mr Mower will investigate and report back.


            A member of the public asked if the cameras for the surveys are based only in the carpark at Sizewell beach and if so how would they account for all the cars that park along the roadside.  Mr Mower confirmed that the cameras are used as people counters and count the number of people that visit the site not the number of cars.


During the above item, the time reaching 7.30pm, it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed that standing orders be suspended to allow the public session to finish.


173.    County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf sent apologies and a report had been previously circulated. 


Cllr Harle asked for an update on footpath 8 that runs behind Stocks Fair.  The Clerk advised that she has had no further updates but will continue to chase.


174.    District Councillor


            Cllr Cooper sent his apologies.  District Cllr Rainger and District Cllr Daly were in attendance and a report had been previously circulated.  District Cllr Daly talked through some of the items contained within the report.  District Cllr Rainger confirmed that there would be no changes to refuge collections over the Christmas period and on behalf of ESC wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


            Cllr Harle raised an issue regarding a car he believed had been abandoned on Ashfield Drive.  Mrs Kemp informed Cllr Harle she had contacted ESC regarding this,  they have carried out the relevant checks  and there is no reason to think its abandoned and as its not causing a hazard to other cars it will not be removed but will be monitored and further steps taken if necessary.


175.    Public Forum


            Nothing raised.














held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 07 December 2021 at 7.40pm




Councillor J N Last BEM (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor T Cooper (9.20pm)

Councillor N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor P Harle

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor M Woolf


176.    Minutes


            It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 02 November 2021 be signed as a true record.


177.    Apologies


            Apologies were received from Cllr Ginger, Cllr Kyle, Cllr Cooper, Cllr Levermore and Cllr Geater.


178.    Chairman’s Communications


            The Chairman reported thus:


I was very pleased to see Alde Valley High School recently pick up the award of Greenest School at the Suffolk Green Awards. It fits well with the COP 26 Climate Conference and the Town Council supporting and endorsing the Net Zero Leiston Route Map. I have sent a letter on behalf of the Town Council, congratulating the school.


The Leiston Events Christmas Fair went off very well on Saturday 4 December.  I want to thank the Leiston Events Group and everyone involved.  Also to mention Sonny Cracknell and his band of volunteers for working on the Christmas Tree and lights ahead of the festive occasion.


I also mention a letter received by the Film Theatre from a customer and friends who following a performance became stranded on the car park when the locking mechanism failed on their car and were unable to gain entry and get home. They returned to the Film Theatre, where Becky tried to get them a taxi, but there was none available, so Becky transported them home safety herself.

I think that just goes to show how the Film Theatre staff really care for their customers and their wellbeing, beyond their normal duties.


On 10 November I attended the Festival of Remembrance at the Film Theatre.


On 11 November I attended the Armistice Day event at the Victory Road Park.


On 14 November I attended along with other councillors the Remembrance Day Parade and Service at St Margaret’s Church.  I thank all those involved in making the events run smoothly, the public for supporting them and also the Poppy Appeal volunteers.


On 17 November I sat in on the Leiston Together partnership board meeting and I am sure Helen Greengrass will update us later.


On 22 November along with Councillors Hill, Corbett and Cooper, I attended the EDF Sizewell C Conference at Trinity Park. There were a lot of speakers followed by a breakout session, where one of the groups was a focus on Leiston.  Councillors will have received a report on that event.


On 29 November Cllr Woolf and myself were due to attend Snape Maltings for a meeting with Declan Burke, Director, Nuclear Projects and Development. At short notice, due to Covid, this meeting was unable to take place and will now be rescheduled in the New Year.


On 1 December I met with ESC representatives Councillor Norman Brooks and Lewis Boudville at the High Street Car Park. The Town Clerk, Wayne Burns, Film Theatre Manager, Simon Merrett representing the CLT and District Cllr Rainger were also present. Discussions continued on the loss of the parking spaces and I think it is fair to say we had a constructive meeting which will lead to a review of the current layout.  Details of that meeting have been forwarded to members.


On 3 December Helen Greengrass, Leiston Change Manager and myself had the difficult task of visiting the town centre shops and judging the excellent window displays and find a winner as part of the Leiston Events Christmas Fair.  The winning entry was Screwbolt Fixing and I congratulate all entrants on what was a fantastic effort.


On 4 December I had the privilege and pleasure of opening the Leiston Events Christmas Fair and also awarding the prizes and what a great day it was for Leiston, it’s residents and visitors.  I have written to the Leiston Events Group to pass on the Town Council’s thanks for organising the event and the appreciation of all the volunteers and participants


This afternoon part 2 of the Big Dig took place, involving Councillors and the Avocet Academy in planting over 800 saplings as part of the hedging work at the Community Orchard.


Finally, as we draw nearer to the year end, I would like to thank all Councillors for their support to me as Chairman and all the hard work put in over the last twelve months for the benefit of Leiston-cum-Sizewell and it’s residents.  I look forward to you and the public joining me during the course of the evening for some festive refreshments.


A Merry Christmas to our County, District and Town Councillors, and all the residents of Leiston-cum-Sizewell.


Cllr Morsley requested a letter of thanks be sent to a resident who helped out at the Big Dig.           


179.    Declarations of Interest


Cllr Dix correspondence item 2, Cllr Corbett correspondence item 5, Cllr Woolf item 17, J, Cllr Hill for CLT, Leiston Film Theatre and correspondence item 6, Cllr Boast for CLT and Cllr Last correspondence item 2.     


180.    Leiston Together Update


Mrs Greengrass sent her apologies and a report had been previously circulated.  The Clerk provided a brief update on Mrs Greengrass’s behalf.  Leiston Means Business pocket guides have been distributed to local businesses and nearby caravan and camping sites.  The 11 planters as part of the Greener Leiston Project have now been ordered.  Digital Leiston is looking to launch as early as March 2022 and she will provide a further update in the new year.  Finally, she will be meeting with the CLT on Monday of next week.


181.    Net Zero Update


            The Clerk updated thus:

            A press release will be out shortly for the publication of the route map which is being launched week commencing 13 December.  An executive summary document of the technical map is currently being finalised. There is also a new potential project relating to community ground source heat pumps.  The project team are applying for funding to progress projects which can support markets for carbon reduction measures and is the perfect opportunity to create a new pilot scheme in Leiston. This is going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow so I will update you in due course.


182.    CLT Trustee Board Report


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


183.    Sizewell C Conference 22 November


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


184.    Transport Strategy Update and Deed of Covenant


Cllr Last advised the Transport Strategy plans are being revised taking into account feedback from the meeting with the Co-op and responses from the business questionnaires.  The Transport Group anticipate bringing revised plans to a member briefing on 11 January for councillors to be able to ask questions and then an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 18 January, so councillors can consider the revised plans and proposals and if approved, enable the Town Council to move this scheme forward.   


Cllr Dix asked if the plans are approved by councillors will there be further public consultation.  Cllr Last and the Clerk confirmed the public would be able to attend the Extraordinary Council Meeting but there would be no further public consultation.


Cllr Harle asked if there would be a public vote on the proposal.  The Clerk confirmed once again there would be no public vote on the proposal, as previously advised as there are no regulations to enable this.  District Cllr Rainger advised that should the Transport Strategy be approved Suffolk County Council Highways would follow their own consultation process.


Cllr Bailey raised concerns that the public will not be consulted about the changes and that he felt that the plans he had seen did not show enough detailed information about the proposals.  Cllr Hill commented that the public had been consulted and had their chance to submit comments for consideration. She informed Cllr Bailey all proposed plans will be shown in detail and explained in full at the members briefing on 11 January.


Cllr Corbett commented that time is of the essence if we want Leiston Town Centre to be accessible for locals and not used as a rat run.  If SZC is given consent works on the infrastructure will start in Autumn 2022, as stated by EDF representatives at the SZC Conference held on 22 November.


The Clerk informed Councillors of the draft Deed of Covenant we have been presented with as part of the Deed of Obligation.  It requires the Town Council to supply a representative to what is called the ‘Leiston Working Group’ this is a forum specifically for consultation between SCZ and other parties, ie ESC, SCC and LTC about transport issues arising from the construction of SZC, and representation on the Main Development Site Forum, if SZC is given consent.  Our solicitor has viewed the deed and was content with it.  After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed the Deed of Covenant be signed at the appropriate time.


185.    EDF Transport Group 18 October


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report. 


Cllr Harle raised concerns over access to the Co-op car park should the Transport Strategy be approved.  The Clerk confirmed this would not be an issue and cars would still be able to access the carpark.


186.    Film Theatre Working Party 4 November


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report. 


187.    Highways Committee 9 November


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


189.    Library Steering Group AGM 18 November


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.

190.    Norse Grounds Maintenance Schedule


Councillors noted the previously circulated schedule.  Councillors asked for the monthly watering of the Community Orchard to be brought forward to start from March and for confirmation that the footpaths stated will be trimmed back if needed during monthly checks.  The Clerk will contact Norse.


191.    Grants Policy Annual Review


            After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to keep the Grants Policy in place ensuring the scoring band amounts increase with inflation.  


192.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed that accounts paid since the last meeting of £61,698.87 be approved for payment.


b)    Accept Internal Auditors Mid-Term Report

Members noted the previously circulated report and were pleased to see there were no recommendations.  It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed to accept the report.


c)    Personnel Committee Report

Members noted the recommendation of the Personnel Committee from their meeting of 10 November regarding staffing.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to the recommendation within the report.


d)    Nominate Assets Co-ordinator to join Local Government Pension Scheme

It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Dix and agreed that Leiston Town Council, as a member of the Suffolk County Council Pension Fund (by virtue of being a precepting authority under the Local Government Finance Act 1988 section 144) approve eligibility for the position of Assets Co-ordinator to join the Local Government Pension Scheme from 1 January 2022.


e)    Precept and Budget

The Clerk advised she is currently working on the budget for next year and asked councillors to let her know by 16 December if they had any suggestions or projects they would like to be considered.


f)     Consider financial support for the Dementia Project

After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to grant £1000 from our grants fund and ask the Parochial Charities trustees if they will donate £1000 from the Parochial fund to support the Dementia Project.



193.    Planning Matters


a)    DC/21/4787/FUL -  10 New Industrial Units – Masterlord Industrial Estate, Unit 7, 1A Station Road, Leiston, IP16 4JD



b)    DC/21/4770/FUL– Substantial repairs to Museum buildings. New storm water tank beneath the steam yard. Improvements to visitor experience with improved accessibility around the site. Improved fire escape access at ground and first floor levels. - The Long Shop Museum Main Street Leiston IP16 4ES



c)       DC/21/4771/LBC – Listed Building Consent – Substantial repairs to Museum buildings. New storm water tank beneath the steam yard. Improvements to visitor experience with improved accessibility around the site. Improved fire escape access at ground and first floor levels. – The Long Shop Museum Main Street Leiston IP16 4ES



d)    DC/21/4831/FUL - Change of Use of flats from C2 to C3(a) - 8 High Street Leiston Suffolk IP16 4EW



e)       DC/21/4858/FUL - Conversion of garage to habitable room - The Barn Badger Wood Lane Leiston Suffolk IP16 4EU



f)        DC/21/4983/TCA - To crown reduce by up to 30% 3no. trees in rear garden as a seasonal activity, one is a Eucalyptus now overhanging a neighbour's garden, plus Ash and sel det Sycamore. - Old Coach House, 17 Dinsdale Road, Leiston, Suffolk IP16 4EX


g)       DC/21/4527/FUL - Demolition of later addition to former guesthouse at No. 1 High Street ,Leiston and subdivision to create 2 x three bedroom dwellings plus new build three-bedroom dwelling to rear, private amenity space and car parking - 1 High Street, Leiston IP16 4EJ



h)    DC/21/5161/FUL - Replace single sash on first floor with like for like replacement - 8 High Green, Leiston, Suffolk IP16 4ET



i)        DC/21/5103/LBC – Listed Building Consent – Replace single sash window on first floor with like for like replacement – 8 High Green, Leiston, IP16 4ET



j)     DC/21/1548/ARM – Approval of Reserved Matters of DC/16/2104/OUT – Erection of 77 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure, landscaping and amenity space – Land at the Rear of St Margarets Crescent, Leiston



194.    County Matters      


No questions were raised.


195.    District Matters


            No questions were raised.


196.    Correspondence


Headway Suffolk

Councillors noted the funding request from Headway Suffolk to go towards opening a small hub in the Town.  It was proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Dix and agreed to grant £500 and to provide them with guidance on further funding options.


Fire Fighters Charity

Councillors noted the funding request from the Fire Fighters Charity towards running costs.  It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed to grant £250.

Cllr Last abstained.


Britten Pears Arts

Councillors noted the request from Britten Pears Arts to continue to use the Waterloo Centre free of charge to run their Participate Group which aims to increase the health and wellbeing of older people in Leiston who are at risk of isolation, once weekly from 11 January-29 March.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed to let them use the centre for free up until 29 March and then Council will review.


Leiston Worry Tree

Councillors noted the funding request from Leiston Worry Tree towards running costs to allow them to safely provide their service for another 6-9 months and expand the activities available.  It was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Dix and agreed to grant £320.

Cllr Corbett abstained.


Leiston Surgery PPG

Cllr Hill left the room whilst this item was discussed.

Councillors noted the request from Leiston Surgery PPG to use the Waterloo Centre for free on Saturday 29 January to provide free CPR and defibrillator training.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed to let Leiston Surgery PPG use the Waterloo Centre for free on this date.


            Long Shop Museum

            Cllr Cooper left the room whilst this item was discussed.

Councillors noted the request from the Long Shop Museum asking for a pledge from our neighbourhood CIL fund to assist the museum in raising match funding for a major conservation programme.  After a brief discussion and to ensure the match funding target is reached it was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Woolf and agreed to grant £20,000 from our CIL fund.


            Leiston Youth and Community and Community Angling Society

Councillors noted the funding request from LYCAS to carry out emergency repairs to the bank, east side of Haylings Pond.  It was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed to grant £1000 to ensure this work is completed as soon as possible.


197.    Questions to the Chairman




The meeting finished at 9.41pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



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