Pre-meeting Reports

18 January 2022


222.    Public Forum


        The Chairman opened the meeting and invited comments or questions from members of the public on the revised Traffic and Transport Strategy.  The Chairman also asked the public for comment/questions on any other matters not just the strategy.


       A member of the public asked why SZC has been stated as the main reason for the proposed Traffic and Transport Strategy within the town and asked why traffic was not being mandated to use Lovers Lane and the new link road once it is built.  The Chairman confirmed signage has been requested and should be put in place and to encourage traffic to use Lovers Lane and the new link road.  He also informed the public there are preliminary discussions in place regarding the use of ANPR to discourage vehicles from using the town as a cut through.  


       Various other questions/concerns were raised by members of the public including; consideration be given to complete pedestrianisation of the town centre, what happens if Lovers Lane gets closed, the use of Sylvester Road as a bus route, cycle lanes and routes, increased traffic along Kings Road and loading bays for the High Street.  All of which were duly noted by councillors.


It was proposed by Cllr Ginger, seconded by Cllr Woolf and agreed that the time being 7.30pm, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to continue for a further fifteen minutes.


          A member of the public questioned how the Traffic and Transport Strategy would be funded and if there would be any increase in the precept to cover costs.  Cllr Last confirmed should SZC be given the go ahead the Town Council will seek funding under the Deed of Obligation and Section 106 agreement.  If SZC should not go ahead it is the intention of the town council to still pursue the Transport Strategy and other funding options would be looked into, but confirmed that no increase to the precept should take place to fund this project.

















At an extraordinary meeting of the LEISTON-cum-SIZEWELL TOWN COUNCIL

held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 18 January 2022 at 7.45pm




Councillor J N Last BEM (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor T Cooper

Councillor N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor S Geater

Councillor C Ginger

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor P Kyle

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor M Woolf


223.    Minutes


            It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 04 January 2022 be signed as a true record.


224.    Apologies


            Apologies were received from Cllr Harle.


225.    Chairman’s Communications


Its only two weeks since my last report and with the New Year and Covid issues impacting still on a lot we do the only item to mention is I have had dialogue and interviews with Suffolk Live News and Greatest Hits Radio on the Town Council’s stance and response to the Nautilus Interconnector and Energy Projects Consultation.


226.    Declarations of Interest


Cllr Hill for CLT, Cllr Boast for CLT and Cllr Levermore for CLT.


227.    Traffic and Transport Strategy


Councillors discussed at length the Traffic and Transport Strategy taking into consideration the points raised by members of the public.  Cllr Woolf requested specific consideration be given to the following points raised; the contingency plan for Lovers Lane closure, side roads (Sylvester Road, Seaward Avenue) to be included in the gritting programme and  parking options for residents of Seward Avenue, Sylvester Road and Kings Road to be investigated.  Cllr Bailey raised concerns over the use of Seaward Avenue and Sylvester Road as a bus route, the Transport Group clarified the bus route is being reviewed by the bus operators regarding suitability for two way traffic. Cllr Bailey also raised concerns that he has received from residents regarding access to King Georges Avenue and Sylvester Road, on road parking and the increase in parking areas for residents.  Cllr Hill confirmed that SCC Highways are investigating improvements to the visibility splay at the junction of Sylvester Road as detailed in the Strategy Report.  Cllr Hawkins asked if a response had been received from SCC Highways regarding the use of Sylvester Road and Seaward Avenue for heavy goods vehicles.  The chairman confirmed that a response had not yet been received.  Cllr Ginger felt that there were lots of points within the proposal that are still outstanding such as KGA build outs, High Street loading bays and suitability of Sylvester Road and Seaward Avenue for heavy traffic. The Transport Group informed Cllr Ginger this is a high level strategy of which the finer details have not yet been worked up, this will be done by SCC Highways should the Traffic and Transport Strategy be given approval by Councillors.  Cllr Bailey and Cllr Ginger questioned if once the finer details have been worked up the proposal would come back to full council or go out to the public for further approval.  The Clerk confirmed this is the final proposal but suggested that an information session could be arranged for residents once things have progressed.  Cllr’s Morsley, Corbett and Cooper spoke of the key benefits the implementation of the Traffic and Transport Strategy will bring to the town providing better pedestrian access to the High Street and  a cleaner and more pleasant environment for residents and visitors which will encourage more people to enjoy our town.    With less traffic in the town centre and our proposed cycle strategy, it will hopefully encourage our residents to walk and cycle more, leading to a healthier lifestyle.  The proposals will enhance the ambitions of the CLT to take our town into a new and exciting phase of its development.  Cllr Cooper commented this project currently has the endorsement of Suffolk County Council, therefore Leiston should grasp the opportunity offered by the commitment to the towns regeneration.  This could be Leiston’s last chance to make our town safer by introducing traffic control which has the support of our partners (eg the County Council).  We have had similar opportunities in the past but have not taken them up.  Rejecting this latest plan would mean we are unlikely to be offered such support in the future.


On a proposal from Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Cooper it was agreed to submit the revised Traffic and Transport Strategy plans to SCC Highways.  Cllr Geater, Cllr Ginger and Cllr Bailey voted against this proposal.


228.    Questions to the Chairman


            Cllr Cooper reiterated that all concerns raised tonight have been noted and the chairman confirmed residents and councillors will be kept updated.


            Cllr Ginger raised concerns regarding the amount of dust in town due to the works being carried out by the CLT on the Market Square, Cllr Boast confirmed this has been addressed with the contractor.


            Cllr Morsley commended the work being carried out by the CLT.



The meeting finished at 8.26pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                    ---------------------------------------------