Pre-meeting Reports

05 April 2022


278.    Tom McGarry, Head of Regional External Affairs and Development and Andrew Mower, Senior Community Relations Manager, at EDF gave an update on the Sizewell C Project and Deed of Obligation.  Various questions were asked on HGV’s, commuter traffic, timescale of transport infrastructures, proposed changes to the A12 and funding.


            Cllr Levermore asked about commuter traffic and workers parking.  Mr McGarry confirmed that workers will have security passes allocated with specific parking areas, primarily park and ride sites.


            A member of the public questioned why the transport infrastructures are not being put in place before any construction starts.  Mr McGarry confirmed that no works can be started yet as permission has not been granted.  The transport infrastructure will be part of the first phase of construction so it is in use for peak construction years.


            Another member of the public questioned if anything will be done to support residents of Sizewell during the first two years before the transport infrastructure works are in place.  Mr McGarry confirmed that they will be meeting with Sizewell residents and they are looking at all junctions and aspects with Suffolk Highways.


            Cllr Morsley questioned if the transport infrastructure contracts are in place ready to go if permission is granted.  Mr McGarry confirmed that these are currently being worked up ready to go to tender should permission be granted.


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Hawkins and agreed, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to be completed.


279.    County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf sent her apologies and a report will be circulated in due course.


Cllr Geater raised concerns regarding white lining at the White Horse junction which are faded and other roads in the town which need relining.  The Clerk will follow this up with County Councillor Haworth-Culf and also advised Cllr Geater to report this issue using the SCC Highways online reporting tool.


280.    District Councillor


District Cllr Rainger and Cllr Cooper sent their apologies. District Cllr Daly was in attendance and gave a brief update on various projects including the recently launched glass recycling campaign, housing landlords survey and possible overcharge of rents, approval of ESC budgets and the statement that has been released on Ukraine.


Cllr Morsley raised concerns regarding haphazard parking in the town and questioned parking enforcement.  He feels the reporting tool doesn’t work efficiently.  Cllr Hill asked if we could ask for a purge in the town to target specific areas.  Cllr Daly confirmed he will take forward our concerns regarding parking enforcement to the Parking Services Manager.


281.    Public Forum


            No questions were raised.












































held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 05 April 2022 at 8.10pm




Councillor J N Last BEM (in the Chair)

Councillor D Boast

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs S Geater

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor Ms M Woolf


282.    Minutes


            Cllr Hill raised that minute 276 paragraph 4 had an incomplete sentence the sentence should read ‘Cllr Morsley suggested a financial donation be made by the Town Council but the Clerk advised the regulations did not allow this’. It was proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed that with this amendment the minutes for the meeting of 01 March 2022 be signed as a true record.


283.    Apologies


            Apologies were received from Cllr Harle, Cllr Ginger, Cllr Bailey, Cllr Dix, Cllr Kyle and Cllr Cooper.


284.    Chairman’s Communications


            Cllr Last reported as follows:


            It’s been a very busy few weeks since our last Council Meeting.


It has been good to see the level of support members of our community have given to in the last few weeks in various ways to the situation in Ukraine. Well done to everyone involved.


Once again, I congratulate Hannah and the Newsletter Team on another colourful, bright and informative Town Council newsletter which is being distributed this week.


The Community Orchard has looked splendid this Spring and I hope it has brought much pleasure to our community.  We have had two Jubilee tree planting sessions and I am glad that students and staff from Alde Valley and Leiston Primary School came along and helped with the planting. Leiston Scouts assisted in the planting at Victory Road after which it was good to see this was added to the Queens Green Canopy map as displayed on the Town Council Facebook page.


On 11 March along with other Partnership Board members I attended a Leiston

Together meeting to discuss the composition of the board and terms of reference.


On 14 March I sat in on a virtual meeting with other Councillors to hear and ask    questions of the proposed energy project put forward by Sea Link.


On 15 March Cllr Boast and myself attended the Police Locality meeting and it was good to get back to a face to face meeting to discuss community safety.


On 15 March I also attended the virtual meeting of the Office of Nuclear Regulation, hosted by the Sizewell C Team Environment Agency.


On 17 March I attended ESC’s Anti-Social Behaviour meeting for this area.


On 23 March I sat on the Galloper Wind Farm Fund Panel and am pleased to say we were able award funding to 5 organisations in the Leiston-cum- Sizewell area to support their projects.


On 23 March I represented the Allotment Committee on the regular walk about along with 2 representatives from the Allotment Holders Association and ably assisted by Bev Kemp.


On 25 March I attended the East Suffolk Community Partnership Forum-Bright Ideas for Life, at Trinity Park Ipswich. It was pleasing to see Leiston received a very high profile at the market stalls from Leiston Together, Net Zero Leiston and the Leiston Pastors stands.  I received several comments from some of the attendees about Leiston’s forward thinking.  Cllr Hill was also due to attend, but unfortunately was unable to, but hope she is feeling a bit better now and good to see her with us this evening.


On 25 March in the evening, I attended 1379 Corps of the ATC 80th Anniversary of the founding of the group which was held at the Wentworth Hotel in Aldeburgh and I was invited to present the “Chris Jones  Memorial Trophy”  for work in the community.


The 26 March was Discover Leiston Day and what a day it was for the community.  Although I was only able to attend this event for part of the time, by all accounts it was a very successful day and I congratulate all those involved, which included Toby from Creative Leiston, who did an amazing job, Frazer from the Long Shop Museum, Jess Brown First Light CIC, Russ Rainger and Andy Crisp CLT, Sarah Driver, Marian from Tribune Gang, Wayne Burns at the Film Theatre and Cllr Levermore. I have arranged a letter on behalf of the Town Council to go out to the organisers.


On 28 March along with the Town Clerk, Cllr Corbett and Cllr Hill, I attended the virtual meeting of the Leiston Together Partnership Board.


On 29 March was SCC/EDF Traffic and Transport meeting, which along with the Transport Group I attended.


285.    Declarations of Interest


Cllr Hill for CLT and Leiston Film Theatre, Cllr Boast for CLT, Cllr Levermore for CLT and Leiston Film Theatre, Cllr Geater for item 20a and Cllr Corbett for item 8.


286.    Leiston Together Update


Mrs Greengrass, Leiston Change Manager sent her apologies and a report had been previously circulated. 


287.    Net Zero Update


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


288.    CLT Trustee Board Report


            Cllr Boast updated thus:


            The Church square project moves on at a pace.  After months of hesitation, COVID among staff, costs rising fast the town began to wonder if, not when, the square would be complete.


            Phase One

            In the last month the arches are up and painted, the tables and seating have been installed, the electrics and CCTV completed, swift and bird boxes together with insect hotels installed and in view, the landscaped gardens planted and enhancing the whole area, the square walk-through for residents for first time on Discover Leiston Day, Leiston’s own British Legion Band played to residents delight on the patio overlooking the car park, the first of many music events.  All made possible with local business support, Jewsons, Jonathan Lear, Bayfield Electrics, Andrew Hawes and Galloper Wind Farms.


            The Community Land Trust are delighted at all the positive comments coming from local residents, March really demonstrated the high specification of the square was a welcome boost to Leiston.  Proposed official open event is 11 June, if all complete by then.


            Phase Two

            Phase two will now take centre stage, the new exciting Town Centre project, local housing for local people, new retail outlets, new library, council offices, communal space and entertainment square.


            East Suffolk Council showing their commitment and full support by the appointment of a Regeneration Manager for three days a week, to develop the master plan for the new Town Centre.


            Feasibility studies on the old Sizewell Road shops, looking at possible additional land that may become available to enlarge the Town Centre project.


            Leiston is well on its way to being the envy of Suffolk Coastal Towns.


289.    Transport Group Update and Minutes of Meeting 01 March 2022


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  Cllr Last reported a further meeting had taken place with SCC Highways, EDF and the Design Consultants on 29 March with the Consultants reporting back on revisions to the drawings and comments following the Town Council’s Transport Strategy submissions.


The main points discussed included:


Seaward Avenue - Provisions of parking spaces at 3 locations and yellow lining parking restrictions.


Sylvester Road - The SCC Highways officer had now inspected the road surface and was comfortable with that. Yellow lining provisions were discussed along with further surveying and exploring of re-configuring the KGA junction.


High Street - the location of loading bays were discussed. It was also recommended by the Design Consultants and SCC that there should be no right turn from High Street into Cross Street due to path widening and cycling considerations.


Bus Routes - The Design Consultants have had further dialogue with the bus companies and the operators have put forward their preferred locations for bus stops which does not include one in Cross Street, but does include one in Seaward Ave.  Further discussion will take place.


Gate Ways - The exact locations of the Gate Ways into Leiston were discussed but not as yet agreed.


Cllr Corbett questioned if there were still plans for a 20mph zone in Kings Road as mentioned previously as she feels this will be necessary to maintain residents safety.  Cllr Last confirmed that SCC Highways are now looking at roads in the town that may be suitable for a 20mph zone, and he will raise Kings Road again as a concern.


290.    Panto Finance Report


Councillors noted the previously circulated report. 


291.    Flagpole Update in Post Office Square


The Clerk informed councillors that the base for the flagpole has been laid and awaiting a date for the flagpole to be installed.  Cllr Cooper has paid for the flagpole from his locality budget and it will be gifted to the Town Council.  She confirmed the old flagpole located on the council office building will be removed.


292.    ALS Community Partnership Meeting of 9 March 2022 


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


293.    Quarterly Police Locality Meeting of 9 March 2022


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


294.    Waterloo Steering Group Meeting of 17 March 2022


After a short discussion regarding the top line fencing around the Waterloo Centre field it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to accept the quote from Clive Fuller of £10,617.30 to get the fencing replaced.  


295.    Allotments Walkaround of 23 March 2022  


Mrs Kemp reported the allotments were generally looking good and councillors noted that just a few plots needed an action letter.  There is still a significant waiting list at the moment.


296.    Leiston Film Theatre Balcony Report


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  A report was tabled from the engineer which confirmed the balcony project should be feasible.  After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to progress to the next stage and get plans drawn up.


297.    Hinkley Point Visit


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  Cllr Corbett informed councillors of some publications available on the Hinkley Point C website that they may find of interest, please find the links below:


298.    SZC Deed of Obligation Working Party


The Clerk suggested that a small working party is formulated to look at the SZC Deed of Obligation to identify possible projects and funding opportunities.  The working party will report to full council each month.  The following councillors volunteered to form the working party Cllr Corbett, Cllr Woolf, Cllr Last, Cllr Cooper, Cllr Levermore and Cllr Hill.  The Clerk will liaise with these councillors to arrange their first meeting.  





299.    Aldeburgh Road Pedestrian Crossing


            After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to approve the design fee estimate of £11,748.87.


300.    Two Council Representatives for Leiston Events Group


After a short discussion it was decided to defer this item to the next meeting.


301.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that accounts paid since the last meeting of £49,180.05 be approved for payment.


b)    Personnel Committee Report of 02 February 2022

Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


302.    Planning Matters


a)    DC/22/0629/FUL - Proposed single storey rear and side extension, Internal remodelling, demolition and replacement of front porch, reconfiguration of existing main access and demolition and replacement of existing outbuilding. - Common Farm The Common Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UN



b)    DC/22/0739/FUL – For C3 residential use comprising conversion of the former public house to 2x 1-bedroom apartments and 1x 2-bedroom apartment, together with the erection of 2x 1-bed semi-detached, 2 storey new homes and associated works including demolition of the storage buildings to the rear of the public house – The Volunteer Inn, Haylings Road, Leiston, IP16 4DJ



c)    DC/22/1019/TPO - TPO ESCC 53 1965 Macrocarpa conifer on rear boundary with Haylings House - to reduce back over hang or remove completely to prevent ongoing damage to boundary fence and greenhouse from falling branches, and future risk to property - 13 Haylings Grove Leiston Suffolk IP16 4DU



303.    County Matters


            Nothing raised.


304.    District Matters


Cllr Last raised on behalf of Cllr Bailey concerns regarding the large soakaway located at the new development near Highbury Cottages.  There are two life belts located at the site which indicates a safety risk however there is only a two bar fence surrounding the site which seems inadequate.  The Clerk will follow this up with Cllr Cooper to see if planning identified this as a risk.


305.    Funding Requests


            Leiston Youth Community Angling Society

  Councillors noted the request from LYCAS for a defibrillator.  After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Woolf, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to grant £1000 but ask that they explore the option of installing a community defibrillator.



          Councillors noted the funding request from Toothless in Suffolk for funding towards Dentaid, coming back to Leiston for a day to provide dental care for residents of Leiston and the surrounding areas.  It was noted what a success the last visit was and proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Hawkins and agreed to grant £400.00 and let them use the Waterloo Centre free of charge.


            Rose and Sweet William

Councillors noted the funding request from Rose and Sweet William towards the cost of a minibus driver.  After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed to grant £1,500 for this purpose.

Cllr Boast was against.


Britten Pears Arts

Councillors noted the request from Britten Pears Arts to continue to use the Waterloo Centre free of charge to run their Participate Group which aims to increase the health and wellbeing of older people in Leiston who are at risk of isolation, once weekly from 26 April – 05 July.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed to let them use the centre for free up until 05 July then Council will review again.


306.    Questions to the Chairman


            Cllr Boast asked about the portable speed cameras.  Mrs Kemp confirmed that one is due to be moved to Hayling’s Road, the older one is not working and needs to be sent away for repair.


The meeting finished at 10.00pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                    ---------------------------------------------