Pre-meeting Reports

05 July 2022


56.       Russ Rainger, Chairman and Simon Merrett, Trustees of Leiston Community Land Trust were in attendance and gave a brief presentation   to councillors asking  them to consider applying to East Suffolk Council to register the Crown Public House as an Asset of Community Value.  The Regulations give local groups the right to nominate land or property to be listed as an Asset of Community Value if certain principals are met.  If successful the nominating group is able to trigger a six month moratorium period if the asset comes up for sale, giving time to mobilise, fundraise and submit a bid.  Mr Rainger explained that the CLT strongly feel that the Crown Public House is an asset to the town due to its prominent location.  This location has been identified in the Leiston Masterplan as a key site.


            Cllr Woolf asked if registering as an Asset of Community Value would stop the Crown Public House being turned into a house of multiple occupancy.  Mr Rainger and Mr Merrett confirmed it would not stop future sales and development but would trigger the 6 month moratorium period.


            Cllr Harle asked if it is a legal document and who currently owns the property.  Mr Rainger confirmed yes it is a legal document and the property would be listed on a national register, he is unsure who owns the property at present.


            Cllr Bailey questioned why the Town Council should do the application and why its not being done by East Suffolk Council.  Mr Rainger informed councillors that the application needs to be made by a parish or community group and East Suffolk Council do not fit the criteria. 


57.       County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf submitted apologies and a report had been previously circulated.


Cllr Geater raised concerns regarding the faded white lines on the pedestrian crossing at King Georges Avenue, the Clerk advised Cllr Geater to report this using the SCC online reporting tool.


Cllr Harle asked for an update on footpath 8 behind Stocks Fairground.  The Clerk will follow this up with County Cllr Haworth-Culf.


58.       District Councillor


District Cllr Rainger was in attendance and reported no updates.


Cllr Corbett asked District Cllr Rainger if he could provide any further information about the Leisure Strategy Report released by ESC which identified low quality areas within Leiston.  She stated that councillors were unaware of this report until it was released in the press last week.  District Cllr Rainger reported he was unaware of the report.  The Clerk confirmed this strategy is an agenda item for ESC Cabinet meeting tonight which District Councillor Cooper is attending and will report back.  Cllr Hill was particularly dismayed that councillors were not informed about this strategy.


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to be completed.


Cllr Levermore asked if it would be possible for the CLT project to be included in the leaders bulletin.  District Cllr Rainger will progress this.


59.       Public Forum


            No questions were raised.







held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 05 July 2022 at 7.33pm




Councillor J Last (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor Mrs S M Geater

Councillor P Harle

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor Mrs M Woolf



60.       Minutes


            It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 07 June 2022 be signed as a true record.


61.       Apologies


Apologies were received from Cllr Kyle and Cllr Cooper.


62.       Chairman’s Communications


            The Chairman reported thus:


            Having taken some holiday this month I do not have much to update councillors on.  Being away I was not able to attend the opening of the Church Square on 11 June, but very pleased this project has now come to fruition after the CLT’s hard work. It looked like a very good occasion from the photographs. Of course now is an opportunity for the whole community to enjoy this space as was the case on 25/26 June when I went along to musical entertainment performed by Britten Pears students, which was well received and attended.


On 17 June a small gathering took place at the Community Centre to mark the retirement of Pauline Clarke, who has been an employee of the Town Council completing 40 years service. I presented Pauline with a certificate, card and gift vouchers on behalf of the Town Council and wished Pauline all the very best for her retirement.


On 28 June as Councillors will be aware I hosted a thank you gathering for the Leiston Events Group to show the Town Council’s appreciation for the weekend celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and acknowledge their fantastic contribution to the community event.


63.       Declarations of Interest


Cllr Morsley for items 17a and 15, Cllr Boast for LTAA, CLT and item 17c, Cllr Harle for item 17a, Cllr Levermore for items 7,8,15 and 17a, Cllr Bailey for item 17a, Cllr Last correspondence item 2, Cllr Geater for items 17a and 18c, Cllr Dix for item 15 and Cllr Hill for CLT in particular item 8, Leiston Film Theatre in particular item 10 and correspondence 5.


64.      Leiston Together Update


Mrs Greengrass, Leiston Change Manager was in attendance and a report had been previously circulated.  Mrs Greengrass gave a brief update on items within the report. She has submitted a funding application to the Suffolk Growth Living with COVID Funding for 2 gazebos, e-Cargo bike and some A Frames. Moving forward Mrs Greengrass will include the Town Masterplan in her monthly report.


Cllr Levermore questioned how the digital trails had been advertised.  Mrs Greengrass confirmed ESC have done all the promotions for these, she will share these with the Clerk for inclusion on our Facebook page.


65.       Net Zero Update


            The clerk reported no further updates, the next meeting is scheduled for 6 July.


66.       CLT Trustee Board Report


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


67.      Consider Request to Nominate the Crown Public House Asset of Community Value


            Following the presentation from the CLT after a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to proceed with the application to register the Crown Public House as an Asset of Community Value.


68.       Transport Group Update


            Cllr Last reported no further updates and confirmed no further meetings are scheduled at present, new dates will be determined once the decision for Sizewell C has been received.


69.       Film Theatre Balcony Report


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed to move forward with costings of a balcony.  Councillors also wished to see projected income reports.   


70.       Waterloo Centre Playing Field Update


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  The Clerk informed councillors that a 9-a-side pitch could now be a provided in the available space as opposed to a 7-a-side as originally reported.


71.       Waterloo Centre Steering Group of 9 June


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report. The Clerk gave a brief update regarding the fire escape exit, SCC are installing a new door and a second fire exit at their expense, the shared outside area will be levelled off and the locking of the bottom gates is being reviewed.  The lead time for this works is approximately 8 weeks. 


72.       Open Spaces Committee of 14 June


After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed in principle, to fund £25,000 to purchase an additional play equipment for the toddler area of Victory Road Recreation Park.  The Clerk confirmed there was £13,000 in the play equipment reserve and the remainder would be funded from the divestment contingency reserve.


73.       Community Centre Management Group of 20 June


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


74.       Leiston Events Group Finance Report


            An updated finance report was tabled.  Cllr Levermore reported there was a surplus of £1100.00 from the last event, the Clerk confirmed there is £8856.00 in the Community Event Fund for the new Leiston Events Group to move forward with.  Cllr Levermore informed councillors that Leiston Events Group would be having a meeting in due course to determine new roles.



75.       SSG Meeting of 8 June 2022


            Councillor Corbett gave councillors a brief report on the SSG Meeting herself and Cllr Woolf attended on 8 June.  The Sizewell A and Bradwell Plant Director informed members that some of the decommission works at SZA will be shared with Bradwell meaning a small amount of intermediate waste will come to Sizewell.  Turbine decommissioning works will start in the Autumn, a meeting for local residents will take place in July/August to explain the works taking place.  The works will take approximately 2-3 years. John McNamara from the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency reported that 3 local authorities come forward for the high level waste disposal unit 2 in Cumbia and 1 in Lincolnshire. A community partnership will now be formed with these local authorities to look further into which is most suitable.  SZB Director Robert Gunn reported the seal is still in the holding area, attempts to push him out by the RSPCA have been unsuccessful so he will be there until the next outage when the hole will be repaired.  The damage spent fuel rod is still in the pond as they are not sure what to do with it but are seeking expert advice.  EDF have pledged to no longer source uranium from Russia.  Councillor Woolf has started looking at the consultation with the Environment Agency which focuses on water discharge, radioactive emissions and combustion, she asked councillors to send her any questions they have that could be included in the draft responses.  Cllr Hill commented that she felt that the meeting the Environment Agency are having on 16 July didn’t give much time to read the paperwork received.


76.       Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Woolf and agreed that the accounts paid since the last meeting of £53,743.77 be approved for payment.


b)    Budget Review and Finance Update

Members noted the report from the RFO with a full breakdown of the budget to date and a thorough review of the earmarked reserves currently held. It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed that the report be accepted and that the earmarked reserves be retained as presented.


c)    Consider Financial Risk Assessment for 2022/23

Councillors noted the report previously circulated. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed that members accepted that a proper and thorough risk assessment had been carried out covering all physical, financial and governance risks which the Council could reasonably be expected to encounter and that appropriate measures were in place to cover or reduce those risks where possible.  There was a short debate on the merits of having a risk assessment or insurance in place should a member of staff leave.


d)    Consider appointment of Internal Auditor

Councillors noted the report previously circulated.  It was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed that the checks and balances in use to ensure propriety and accuracy of accounting for internal controls are appropriate and the monthly statement of accounts is carried out to their expectations and instructions and that Heelis and Lodge be appointed as Internal Auditors to the Council for 2022/2023.


77.       Planning Matters


a)    DC/22/2273/FUL - Creation of wetland habitat for wildlife on land in the vicinity of lower abbey farm within the EDF Sizewell Estate. The habitat will comprise reedbed, open water and ditches surrounded by tussocky grassland. Part of the reedbed will be managed to create wet woodland through natural succession. Provision of 55 car parking spaces at Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, to support the workforce. - Land To The East Of Lower Abbey Farm Eastbridge Road Leiston Suffolk


Councillors felt they didn't have enough time to absorb all the information and make a decision on this application for such a big project and will raise questions regarding Bridleway 19/Eastbridge Road, parking at Bentwaters, fencing of the open countryside, soil movement and water management issues and consultation with Natural England.


b)    DC/22/2348/FUL - Construction of a single storey front extension – 51 St Margarets Crescent, Leiston, IP16 4HS



c)    DC/22/2337/FUL – To form new double storey side extension where existing garage sits to make larger garage, utility room and downstairs cloakroom on ground floor and first floor extension above garage area for master bedroom, ensuite and dressing room.  To also erect single storey rear extension for kitchen diner where existing garden room sits.  Re-design front porch area to make more in keeping with property which would benefit much better insulation to existing property – 9 Haylings Grove, Leiston, IP16 4DU



78.       County Matters


Cllr Harle raised on behalf a resident overgrown grass verges along Victory Road, Leiston.  Mrs Kemp reported that Norse are behind on cutting of verges but will contact Norse to ensure Victory Road is included on the schedule.


Cllr Geater raised concerns about the condition of the footpath leading from Westward Ho to Waterloo Avenue.  The Clerk advised this is maintained by SCC and advised Cllr Geater to report it using the SCC online reporting tool.


Cllr Levermore commented on the amount of weeds on the slope leading from Seaward Avenue to King Georges Avenue Recreation Ground and the top end of the footpath that leads to the Primary School.  Mrs Kemp will contact Norse to get this area tidied. 




79.       District Matters


            Nothing raised.


80.       Correspondence


            Leiston Football Club

            Councillors noted the letter from Leiston Football Club requesting a donation of £60,000.00 from our neighbourhood CIL reserve to support the development of a 3G football pitch at Victory Road.  Councillors discussed the environmental impact of 3G, the limits of community use and future projects the council has planned for the town.  After considering all these factors councillors felt the 3G pitch would not be the most appropriate use of our neighbourhood CIL fund.  A proposal was put forward by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley to grant £10,000.00 from our neighbourhood CIL but this motion was not carried. (4 for, 7 against, 1 absention)


            ABC Community Radio

            Cllr Last declared an interest in this item and left the room whilst it was discussed.  Cllr Hill took the chair.

            Councillors noted the request from ABC radio to support their move to a larger location.  It was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to grant £500.00.                     


            Suffolk Accident Resue Service

            Councillors noted the request from SARS to support their running costs.   It was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to grant £500.00.


            Britten Pears Arts

            Councillors noted the request from Britten Pears Arts to continue to use the Waterloo Centre free of charge to run their Participate Group which aims to increase the health and wellbeing of older people in Leiston who are at risk of isolation, once weekly from 13 September to 29 November.  It was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to let them use the centre for free up until 29 November then Council will review again.

Stocks Fairground

Councillors noted the email from Sally Stocks requesting permission to use the recreation ground again this year 8-11 September.  It was proposed by Cllr Dix, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed to grant permission providing there is adequate stewarding and the correct Risk Assessments and Insurances are in place.


            It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Dix and agreed that, the time being 10pm, Standing Orders be suspended for 5 minutes to permit continuing discussion of Council business.





81.       Questions to the Chairman


            The Clerk commented that there will be a meeting on 2 August to discuss planning matters.



The meeting finished at 10.03pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                    ---------------------------------------------