Pre-meeting Reports

06 September 2022


82.       Andrew Mower, Senior Manager Community Relations, Jack Raven Project Analyst (Sustainability) and Michelle Emmerson-Grey, Community Relations Manager at Sizewell C were in attendance and gave a brief presentation to councillors on the SZC project and next steps following the DCO consent.


            Cllr Corbett queried the slide on the desalination plant as it stated the plant will be used beyond construction and she had previously been informed that would not be the case.  Jack Raven confirmed the desalination plant is for the construction period only and will amend the slide.


            Cllr Rainger commented on the timeline of events and how the DCO will trigger different actions.  Andrew Mower confirmed that as they work through the process of the Development Consent Order different actions will bring into effect parts of the Deed of Obligation which will then need to be fulfilled and actioned.


            Cllr Harle asked if it was correct that the link road will not be completed before construction begins.  The SZC representatives confirmed the link road will not be in place at the start of construction but will be prioritised and hopefully completed with the first 18-24 months, during this time there will be a pre-agreed specified route in place for HGV’s.


            Cllr Corbett asked about the noise mitigation surveys, how these are being carried out and voiced concerns from local residents regarding noise.  Michelle Emmerson-Grey advised they are carrying out a range of acoustic surveys these include mathematical, roadside surveys, physical surveys and computer-generated results.  Once these noise assessments have been completed, residents will be notified via a booklet detailing further information. 


83.       County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf submitted apologies and a report had been previously circulated.


84.       District Councillor


            District Cllr Rainger was in attendance and gave a brief outline of the East Suffolk Councils ‘Ease the Squeeze’ campaign aimed at helping families with the cost of living crisis, Cllr Hill commented that there will be a stall in Leiston Co-op from 10am-1pm on 21 September offering support on the cost of living crisis. A report will be circulated in due course. 


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bailey and agreed, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to be completed.


Cllr Harle asked for an update on footpath 8 behind Stocks Fairground.  The clerk confirmed this is still ongoing.


Cllr Corbett commented on the new convenience store that has opened up at the old Black Horse and questioned if planning consent/change of use is required.  The Clerk will follow this up.


85.       Public Forum


            No questions were raised.










held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 06 September 2022 at 7.36pm




Councillor J Last (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor P Harle

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor P Kyle

Councillor D Morsley

Councillor Mrs M Woolf



86.       Minutes


            It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 05 July 2022 be signed as a true record.


87.       Apologies


Apologies were received from Cllr Cooper, Cllr Levermore and Cllr Geater.


88.       Chairman’s Communications


            On 11 July I attended the North East Connect meeting along with our Assets Officer Hannah Everett-Spearing, to discuss the potential use of the Waterloo Centre as a  Wellbeing Community Hub for Leiston.  At the time other venues were also being evaluated.


On 20 July which is a little while ago now, Councillors will all  be aware the DCO for Sizewell C was given consent. Therefore, following this evening’s presentation hopefully Councillors will now understand the next steps.


On 29 July I presented this year’s Allotment Association “Best Kept Allotment” award to Irene Lucas at a small ceremony on her allotment plot. It’s not the first time Irene has been presented with the award so well done to her and all her hard work, on what is a very good looking and well-kept plot.


On 13 August I attended on behalf of the Town Council the VJ Day Commemoration at the Long Shop Museum and laid a wreath. I thank the Leiston Branch of The Royal British Legion and Friends of the Suffolk Regiment for organising and keeping this event going.


As we are all aware, the spate weather conditions has meant Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service have been extremely busy with the volume of calls they have had to deal with in the last few weeks. That of course includes our local station here at Leiston, who have had to  work in very uncomfortable heat, demanding and challenging situations.  On behalf of the Town Council, I wrote to the Chief Fire Officer to convey our appreciation for all firefighters and support staff efforts in keeping us all safe and protecting property during the very dry spell and requested the letter is passed on to the local fire fighters.


I also wrote to Summerhill School, congratulating them on their 100 year anniversary and the Festival of Childhood they ran in August to celebrate the anniversary.


Finally, just to say this is our Town Clerk’s last full council meeting before Caroline Rinder moves onto pastures new.  I would like to record both mine and Councillors thanks to Caroline for the organisation of this monthly meeting, keeping me on the straight and narrow, helping to navigate us all through the proceedings, and all the follow up work from the meeting.  We wish Caroline all the very best for the future.  Also, as Councillors well know, Caroline’s successor Helen Greengrass is with us this evening so congratulations to Helen on her appointment and we look forward to working with Helen in the near future.


89.       Declarations of Interest


Cllr Hawkins for item 21a, Cllr Kyle for Leiston Events Group, Cllr Dix for correspondence item 2 and Leiston Events Group, Cllr Hill for Leiston Film Theatre and CLT and Cllr Boast for CLT.



90.      Leiston Together Update


Mrs Greengrass, Leiston Change Manager was in attendance and a report had been previously circulated.  Mrs Greengrass gave a brief update on items within the report. 


Cllr Hill asked if LDA will speak directly with councillors.  Mrs Greengrass has contacted LDA requesting a meeting with Councillors and is awaiting a response.


91.       Net Zero Update


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


92.       CLT Trustee Board Report


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  Cllr Boast reported further:


            I just need to clarify a point made in the last but one paragraph of the circulated report, when I referred to the CLT having the final decision on the Masterplan.  I wrote the report in a bit of a hurry and the reference here of the CLT is the preverbal WE, the CLT, our partners East Suffolk District Council and Leiston Town Council, we will collectively have the final say on behalf of Leiston residents,


            I would also like to remind people that Saturday 10 September we will host Pro-Corda and their free concert presentation of Mamma Mia in the Band Stand.  Already rumour has it that this will be a very well attended event, so get there early.


            Following that on Sunday 11 November there will be a Thanksgiving Festival for the United Reform Church.


93.       Transport Group Update


            Cllr Last reported no further updates, we are awaiting a date for a meeting.


94.       Draft Response to the Environment Agency Consultation for Permits


Cllr Corbett informed Councillors she is in the process of putting together a draft response, she is just awaiting a response from the Environment Agency on the questions raised at the briefing on 01 September. Once received she will complete the draft and forward to the clerk for circulation.  Cllr Last reminded Councillors of the tight deadline for comments once the draft is circulated.


95.       Grounds Maintenance of 13 and 20 July 2022


Councillors noted the previously circulated reports.  After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to fund £400 to purchase 2kg of wildflower seed and some bulbs for the Community Orchard, Haylings Pond and Victory Road Recreation Ground to be planted in the Autumn.


96.       Neighbourhood Plan Review Update


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Kyle and agreed to  approve the fees for the high option of £12,575 by Navigus planning, which will cover the full review and that we apply for Government funding to cover this cost.


97.       SALC AGM 20 July 2022


            Cllr Dix reported no updates from this meeting and notified Councillors he will be attending the Local Area Forum Meeting on behalf of Leiston Town Council next week.


98.       Film Theatre Working Party of 21 July 2022


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


99.       Library Steering Group of 21 July 2022


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


100.    SZC Deed of Obligation Working Party of 28 July


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


101.    Highways Committee of 9 August 2022


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  After a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed to fund £32,000 from our CIL fund to create additional car parking for 3/4 cars along Seaward Avenue.


            The Clerk informed councillors that we are still awaiting the costings from Suffolk Highways for the pedestrian crossing in Aldeburgh Road, this has been chased.


102.    ALS Community Partnership of 10 August 2022


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


103.    Leiston Makes Space for Wildlife


            Cllr Corbett reported that after a recent site visit to Haylings Pond to meet with Gary Whiting it was suggested by Gary the area to the east of the prom full of brambles be cleared and some native flowers be planted. This will enhance the area and help deter antisocial behaviour. Gary and LYCAS volunteers are willing to help clear the area.  Once the area has been cleared LMSFW would like to hold a community event for the planting of native flowers, wildflower seed and bulbs, it is hoped this can be done late October to coincide with half-term.


104.    Leiston Town Council Newsletter


            Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Kyle, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to insert a leaflet in the October newsletter asking residents how they would like to receive their newsletter, either through the door, via email or through our website.


105.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Hawkins  and agreed that the accounts paid since the last meeting of £102,069.51 be approved for payment.


b)    Accept External Auditor Report for 2021/22

            Members were pleased to see that the annual accounts had been signed off by the external auditors with no matters being brought to their attention at all. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed that the Town Council accept the auditor’s report for 2021/2022 and note that there were no actions to consider.


106.    Planning Matters


a)    DC/22/2823/ARM - Approval of Reserved Matters of DC/20/4646/FUL - Hybrid application seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for up to 9,500 square metres Gross External Area (GEA) to provide administration, storage, welfare and canteen facilities and a visitor centre of up to 1,000 square metres GEA. Detailed planning permission is sought for demolition of some existing structures and redevelopment to include a training centre and interim visitor centre, an outage store, lay down area, car and cycle parking, landscaping, associated infrastructure (including utilities, plant and highway works), tree felling and other relevant works. - Sizewell B Sizewell Power Station Complex And Adjoining Land Sizewell Power Station Road Sizewell Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UR



b)    DC/22/2810/TPO – 1no Scots pine (T1 on plan) – Fell.  1no Scots pine (T2 on plan) – Remove three lowest branches and laterally reduce crown by up to two metres – 12 Haylings Grove, Leiston, IP16 4DU



c)    DC/22/3083/FUL – Two storey extension and improvements including new porch and replacement of windows – 15 Garrett Crescent, Leiston, IP16 4LF



d)    DC/22/3280/FUL - Flat roof to be replaced with a pitched roof - 89 Abbey Road Leiston Suffolk IP16 4TA



e)    DC/22/2911/LBC - Listed Building Consent - Works to convert house and attached outbuildings to form four dwellings, including demolition of single storey conservatory and single storey store, internal alterations, re-roofing works to outbuildings, alteration of existing and insertion of new window and door openings to outbuildings (renewal of LB Consent ref DC/18/1675/LBC) - The Red House Red House Lane Leiston Suffolk IP16 4LR

Councillors felt that there was insufficient details on access and they did not have enough information on parking provision to make a decision on this application.


f)     DC/22/3082/FUL – Change of use from office to one dwelling – 55B High Street, Leiston, Suffolk, IP16 4EL



107.    County Matters


            Cllr Harle informed councillors he had received a query on boundaries   concerning a property in Southfield Drive.  The clerk informed Cllr Harle the resident would need to contact Land Registry.  Cllr Harle also raised a query from a resident regarding Leiston Recycling Centre, why is there no longer any re-sale at the site and can this be reinstated.  The Clerk will raise this with County Cllr Haworth-Culf.


108.    District Matters


            Nothing raised.


109.    Correspondence


            Leiston Community Chain Gang

          Councillors noted the request from Leiston Community Chain Gang for a donation towards path maintenance equipment and fuel for their volunteer work in the town.  It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Dix and agreed to grant £250.00.


          Bright Sparks

          Cllr Dix declared an interest in this item and left the room whilst it was discussed.

            Councillors noted the request from Bright Sparks to support the cost of costumes and lighting for their Christmas Panto.  It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Kyle and agreed to fund £500.00 and direct them to our District and County Councillors who maybe able to offer additional funding.


            Creative Leiston

            Councillors noted the request from Creative Leiston to support their Community events for Halloween, Christmas and half-term.  It was proposed by Cllr Dix, seconded by Cllr Hill and agreed to grant £250.00 and direct them to ALS Community Partnership and our District and County Councillors who maybe able to offer additional funding.


110.    Questions to the Chairman


          Cllr Dix informed Councillors of  a recent incident within the town where emergency vehicles were unable to gain access to a property due to parking issues.  After a brief discussion it was decided to put an article in the newsletter regarding respectful parking and to contact our Community Police Office for advice and assist with wording.             


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Kyle and agreed that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


111.    Personnel


            All items where approved and agreed to take forward.



The meeting finished at 9.16pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                    ---------------------------------------------