At the start of the meeting the Chairman led a minute's silence in respect of her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


Pre-meeting Reports

04 October 2022


112.      Richard Best, Collaboration and Connecting Programme Manager at ESC and a small team from LDA design were in attendance and gave a brief presentation on the Leiston Masterplan.  The consultation for the Leiston Masterplan, a concept design for Leiston Town Centre begins on 05 October and is due to end in December 2022.


Cllr Last commented that due to the short notice of the stakeholder event and Councillors not being able to meet to discuss the Masterplan as a Town Council before this, any comments made at tomorrow’s event will be individual and not reflective of Leiston Town Council with the exception of the Transport Strategy which has already been endorsed by the Town Council.


Cllr Hill asked how many stakeholders would be attending tomorrows event as she was concerned about the short notice given.  LDA confirmed there are 18/19 signed up but reassured Councillors  that 1-1 sessions can be arranged for those unable to make this date.


Cllr Harle questioned who would be paying for the cost of the Masterplan consultation.  Richard Best confirmed ESC will be paying the consultation fee.   Cllr Harle also asked if Leiston will have access to the same funds as Lowestoft had for their regeneration project.  Richard Best clarified that after the Masterplan is signed off in December, ESC Regeneration Team will identify defined projects, develop detailed business plans, look at strategic need and apply for funding opportunities as they arise.  The Masterplan will have a 10-15 year delivery.


Cllr Levermore commented on the importance of the Transport Strategy.  LDA reassured Councillors this will be considered as part of the Masterplan development.


Cllr Boast questioned the geographical area included in the Masterplan.  It was confirmed the area stretches from the Waterloo Centre to the Community Centre and incorporates all the town centre including the Doctors Surgery, Long Shop Museum, Post Office Square and Church Square.


Cllr Cooper asked if they were aware of Leiston Works Railway organisation.  LDA confirmed yes, they are.


Cllr Corbett asked if there had been any interaction with the SZC project team.  Richard Best confirmed yes there has and they will also be looking into any funding opportunities that arise through the Deed of Obligation.  


District Cllr Rainger commented that Leiston CLT are excited by the Leiston Masterplan and very supportive of the Masterplan concept


A resident questioned if there was still a restriction on the amount of housing that can be built within the town due to Sizewell.  Cllr Last and Cllr Cooper confirmed the emergency plan has been reviewed and there are no longer any  restrictions on house building in Leiston due to Sizewell.



113.    County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf submitted apologies a report had been previously circulated.


114.      District Councillor


District Cllr Rainger and District Cllr Cooper were in attendance.  District Cllr Rainger spoke again of the ‘Ease the Squeeze’ initiative which covers a number of wide-reaching projects to help support residents with the rise in cost of living. Cllr Cooper will circulate the presentation for this initiative to Councillors and Helen Greengrass will arrange for Nicole Rickard, Head of Communities at ESC to come and present this to Councillors.  Cllr Cooper urged Councillors to let ESC know if they are aware of anyone who is struggling so that help can be sorted. 


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Harle and agreed, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to be completed.


Cllr Levermore asked if there was a risk Leisure Centres would be opening for restricted hours due to the rise in energy costs.  District Cllr Rainger commented that there is no intention at present to reduce opening hours, they are conscious community spaces need to try and remain open.


Cllr Harle asked for an update on footpath 8 behind Stocks Fairground.  Cllr Cooper confirmed this is still being investigated.


District Cllr Cooper informed Councillors the East Suffolk Walking and Cycling Strategy is due to be adopted by ESC tonight.  East Anglia Three submitted changes to their turbines these have been approved.  A report will be circulated in due course.



115.    Public Forum


            No questions were raised.










held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 04 October 2022 at 7.41pm




Councillor J Last (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor T Cooper

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor Mrs S Geater

Councillor P Harle

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor P Kyle

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley



116.      Minutes


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 06 September 2022 be signed as a true record.


117.    Apologies


No apologies.


118.    Chairman’s Communications

With the passing of the late Queen Elizabeth II, there has been protocol to follow and events to attend, so it has been a busy month. I thank the Town Clerk, Mrs Everett-Spearing and Mrs Kemp for their assistance.


On 11 September I attended the County Proclamation at the Town Hall, Ipswich and felt honoured in representing Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council at this historic event.  I returned with the Town Proclamation, which I then delivered to a well-attended event in the Old Post Office Square, Leiston.


On 12 September I went along to the Waterloo Centre to present certificates and medals to 80 children who had completed the Leiston Library Summer Reading Challenge. In total 120 children signed up for the challenge.


On 13 September along with Councillors Hill and Corbett, and Mrs Kemp, I met the East Suffolk District Council, Cemetery Manager on site to discuss a number of issues, which has now been put into an action plan.


On 15 September I sat in on a Town Regeneration Master Plan meeting.


On 17 September I attended the County Commemoration and Thanksgiving Service for the Late Queen Elizabeth II at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds. This was a very moving occasion.


On 18 September I attended the Commemoration and Thanksgiving Service for the late Queen Elizabeth II at St Margaret’s Church, Leiston where I read a lesson.  On the same evening, the eve of the late Queen Elizabeth’s II funeral, I led the Moment for Reflection event held in the Old Post Office, Leiston where a one-minute silence was observed by Councillors and members of the public.


The 30 September was the last day of service for Town Clerk, Caroline Rinder. Along with Councillors and Town Council staff, a small gathering took place to make a presentation to Caroline on her departure. I wished Caroline all the best for the future and thanked her for her service and support to the Town Council.  On the same day, we said goodbye to Councillor Woolf who has decided to stand down as a Councillor and I thanked her for her valuable contribution to the Town Council.


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed to minute a formal thank you to our former Town Clerk Caroline Rinder for her service and support to the Town Council over the past seven years.


119.    Declarations of Interest


Cllr Dix for Leiston Events Group, Cllr Hill for Leiston Film Theatre and CLT,            Cllr Levermore for CLT and Leiston Film Theatre, Cllr Cooper for items 10,         18, and all correspondence, Cllr Geater for accounts item 17a, Cllr Boast for      CLT and Cllr Kyle for Leiston Events Group.


120.    Leiston Together Update


Ms Greengrass, Leiston Change Manager was in attendance and a report had been previously circulated.  Ms Greengrass gave a brief update on items within the report.  Ms Greengrass confirmed Leiston Together will continue following her resignation, but her job role would not be filled. Funding for Leiston Together is due to finish in December and ESC plan to review the position of Leiston Together in consideration with the outcomes of the Leiston Masterplan.


Cllr Levermore asked about having a second electric vehicle charge point within the town centre.  Ms Greengrass will raise this as part of the Masterplan consultation.  


121.      CLT Trustee Board Report


Cllr Boast reported thus:


Following the success of the Church Square we are happy to report that we will be very much involved with the production of the Leiston Masterplan.


We are very pleased to welcome the continuing compliments of the Church Square, which are growing in response to what is seen as the less desirable face of Leiston at present visual at the traffic lights at the top of the High Street.


The initial conceptual design from the CLT for the regeneration of the town centre is very much our vision for raising the profile of future Leiston.  We see the Church Square as setting the tone and standard that Leiston town deserves and will do all we can to maintain that standard throughout.


We also welcome any input, ideas, thoughts and support for the Masterplan from Leiston residents, after all it is their town.





122.    Transport Group Update


Cllr Last reported the Clerk has been trying to progress further meetings with both EDF and SCC but nothing forthcoming at the moment.


123.      Review of Council Policies


This item was adjourned to be read after item 17c as there was requirement for item 17c to be approved to allow policy changes to be adopted.


124.      Leiston Events Group


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed to support Leiston Events Group loaning £800 from their event fund to Leiston Long Shop Museum for the Christmas Fair.  The monies will be paid back to the Leiston Events Group Fund after the accounts for the event have been finalised.


125.    CIL Report


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  Mrs Kemp informed Councillors that Mrs Everett-Spearing will be compiling a spreadsheet detailing CIL income and expenditure including dates, this will be circulated in due course.  Ms Greengrass will arrange a CIL meeting for all councillors and invite ESC to come along and explain CIL in more detail.


126.    Sizewell Beach Management Meeting of 08 September 2022


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


127.    SZC Deed of Obligation Working Party of 25 August


Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


128.    Request for Volunteers


Councillor Hill volunteered to be a representative on SSG, Cllr Morsley for the Deed of Obligation Working Party, and Cllr Boast for the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group.  These were proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed.



129.      Cannington Parish Council Meeting of 29 September


Cllr Corbett reported the meeting with Cannington Parish Council had been very informative.  They confirmed the Town Council’s concerns regarding transport, traffic, fly parking and accommodation. Locals find it very difficult to park within the town.  There was reassurance that antisocial behaviour is not as bad as they thought it would be, but this is thought to be because of the state-of-the-art facilities they have on their site that we will not be getting here in Leiston.  They commented EDF are quick to respond to any issues. The Town Council need to express their concerns to SZC and be ready.  They suggested speaking to Stogursey as they are slightly nearer to Hinkley.  A site visit to the area will be arranged for early next year.


Cllr Cooper spoke about the current sewerage surveys EDF are carrying out  along Sizewell Road and Valley Road.  Cllr Hill asked if we could raise with EDF the reason for these surveys, Cllr Corbett will progress this and also question why they did not respond to a resident's letter regarding nocturnal work on bridleway 19.


130.      Neighbourhood Plan Review Group of 27 September


Cllr Last reported Chris Bowden from Navigus Planning was in attendance. They informed Chris Bowden the Town Council had agreed to go ahead with the full review and to apply for Government funding.  The full minutes of this meeting will be circulated in due course.


Cllr Cooper questioned if Chris Bowden made comment on the Leiston Masterplan.  Cllr Last confirmed Mr Bowden is aware of this, and it is imperative the Neighbourhood Plan ties in with the Masterplan. 


131.    Skatepark Working Group of 22 September


            Mrs Kemp informed Councillors that there had been 2 tenders submitted for             the skatepark upgrade works.  The Skatepark Working Group have reviewed   both tenders and it was agreed that further clarification on certain points is         needed from both companies.  Further questions will now be sent to both            companies and the tender process reopened for an additional 3 weeks.


132.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed that the accounts paid since the last meeting of £34,849.18 be approved for payment.


Cllr Hill commented that she preferred the new layout of the accounts sheet.


b)    Review of Film Theatre Admission Charges

It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to accept the Film Theatre Manager’s recommendation to maintain the current admission prices and raise the senior discount age from 60 to 65 in line with other venues both locally and nationally.  Cllr Harle was against the proposition.


c)    Personnel Committee Report Recommendations

Members noted the recommendations of the Personnel Committee from their meeting of 26 September regarding the wages and salaries review. It was proposed by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Kyle and agreed that those recommendations be approved.


133.    Council Policies


Members noted all the extant Council Policies and the need to update point 1.8 of our Financial Regulations within our Standing Orders to reflect the changes for RFO from Clerk to Assets Officer. On a proposition from Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Boast it was agreed for the amendments to be made all policies to be endorsed for a further year.


134.    Planning Matters


a)    DC/22/3318/FUL - New parking bay and two bedroom, part two-storey dwelling to the rear - 41 Waterloo Avenue Leiston Suffolk IP16 4HH



b)       DC/22/3356/FUL – Construction of a single storey extension - 15 The Gables Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UZ



c)    DC/22/3668/FUL – Widening of gravel driveway by approx. 4 meters (35m2 in total). Installation of a sub base (MOT type 1) with 10mm colour matched gravel finish. Installation of brick edging to lawn. - 17 The Gables Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UZ



d)    DC/22/3699/FUL – Removal of existing prefab concrete garage.  Single storey extension to side of dwelling to form annex and auxiliary living – 70 Abbey Road, Leiston, IP16 4RE



e)    DC/22/3749/TPO – A1 of TPO No. 17 / 1984 1no. Lime (A1 on plan) - Reduce in height from 22 metres to 17 metres - Leiston Water Tower Goldings Lane Leiston IP16 4DY



f)     DC/22/3660/FUL - 3no. New Dwellings and 1no. Class E Commercial Unit. - 1 High Street Leiston Suffolk IP16 4EJ

Apply for extension and adjourn until November meeting.


135.      County Matters


Nothing raised.


136.    District Matters


            Nothing raised.


137.      Correspondence


            Premises Licence Variation Applications for Leiston Newsagents and                   Engineers Arms


Councillors noted the premises licence variation applications that have been submitted to East Suffolk Council from Leiston Newsagents and Engineers Arms.  After a lengthy discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to submit a letter to ESC outlining our concerns regarding the change in times for both premises, especially the early mornings due to concerns around: Protection of Children (children walking to school), Encouraging Antisocial Behaviour, Health and Wellbeing and setting a precedence to other businesses within the town.

            Cllr Morsley, Cllr Kyle and Cllr Hawkins abstained.


Letter from CLT regarding Leiston Local      


Councillors noted the letter from Leiston CLT regarding their concerns about  the  recent proliferation of advertising and signage that has appeared at the  former Black Horse Public House, giving indication that the property is to be changed into a convenience store with an associated ‘off sales’ facilities.  After a brief discussion on a proposal by Cllr Boast, seconded by Cllr Hill it was agreed to write a strongly worded letter to ESC highlighting the Town Councils concerns regarding the signage and advertisements which are not in keeping with the surrounding area.  Cllr Cooper confirmed that ESC enforcement officers are working on this.  Cllr Bailey asked if a licence is required regarding the recent pay to park scheme which appears to have been set up in the carpark adjoining this premises.  Cllr Cooper will investigate.                    


138.    Questions to the Chairman


            Cllr Hill informed Councillors of the Warm Rooms Grant Scheme available under the Ease the Squeeze initiative.  Under the scheme the Council can apply for a grant of up to £2860 which needs to be applied for by midnight, 12 October.  The idea is to create a warm hub in the town where people can go to keep warm through the colder months.  Councillors were very keen to pursue this initiative and it was decided to apply for an extension for the grant application to enable time for further consideration.  It is understood Leiston Long Shop Museum are investigating this opportunity.


            Cllr Levermore informed Councillors of two upcoming planting and tidying sessions at Hayling’s Pond on 29 October from 10am-12noon and the Community Orchard on 6 November from 10am-12noon.  It would be good to see as many Councillors attend as possible.



The meeting finished at 9.52 pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



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