Pre-meeting Reports

10 January 2023


191.      David Williams from Leiston Football Club was in attendance and gave a presentation on the Football Clubs future aspirations to install a 3G pitch and upgrade lighting. 


            Councillors questioned funding options and asked if other Football Clubs, Parish and Town Councils within the area had been approached for funding.  Mr Williams confirmed that other Football Clubs in the area have expressed interest in the project but were not in a position to contribute financially.  However they would be prepared to pay a booking fee to use the pitch once installed.  He has not contacted any other Town or Parish Councils but will take this in to consideration. Mr Williams confirmed that Sport England do not support funding for football.  There is other  funding from Football Authorities that has been secured but Mr Williams stressed many of the funding sources available have strict guidelines which lock you in to their preferred suppliers making the project cost, as a whole, less competitive than tendering privately.


            Cllr Dix challenged the change in focus to now upgrade the main pitch and not the training pitch as presented in their bid for CIL funding submitted to the Council last year.  Mr Williams confirmed that with the recent rise in costs it will now be more cost effective to upgrade the main pitch where surrounding infrastructure is already in place.


Cllr Levermore asked if the pitch could be used for other sports such as hockey.  Mr Williams confirmed the type of surface used for this pitch would not lend itself to be used for hockey or cricket but could be used for rugby.  She also questioned how many of the 300 players signed up to the club are local to Leiston. Mr Williams confirmed most of the children that play in the Saturday youth teams are local to Leiston, the more senior players and the Sunday league players come from the wider east Suffolk community.


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Hawkins and agreed, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to be completed.


192.    County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf sent apologies and a report had been previously circulated. 


Cllr Levermore raised concerns regarding the potholes along Park Hill, Leiston.  Mrs Kemp confirmed these had been reported via the Suffolk Highways online reporting tool and have been classified as a category 4 repair.  Mrs Kemp has  chased this with Highways to try and get a more definitive timeline of repair but they were unable to confirm when this would be.  The Clerk will follow this up with County Cllr Haworth-Culf.  Action: Town Clerk


Cllr Geater reported that the one of the beacons on the pedestrian crossing in Hayling’s Road is not flashing.  Mrs Kemp will report this to SCC Highways.  Action: Mrs Kemp


Mrs Kemp reminded councillors to report any highways issues using the SCC Highways online reporting tool.



193.      District Councillor


District Cllr Rainger and District Cllr Cooper were in attendance.  District Cllr Rainger advised Councillors of new funding opportunities available from East Suffolk Council (ESC)  through The UK Shared Prosperity Fund and The Rural England Prosperity Fund to help strengthen the local economy.  Cllr Rainger  spoke of the Leiston Masterplan Proposals and confirmed the  document is now on the ESC website for public feedback. 


Cllr Rainger also mentioned the Digital Springboard which is available to support local businesses


Cllr Rainger  also commented that Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore, has a public survey available on the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner website regarding his draft proposal to increase the precept for the policing accept of Council Tax.



194.      Public Forum


There were a number of residents from Sizewell in attendance seeking support from Leiston Town Council  to reject planning application DC/22/4509/FUL – Demolition of the existing bungalow and outbuildings and the construction of 4 new homes (2x 2 bedroom and 2x 3 bedroom) with associated parking to the rear. Construction of an entranceway at bottom of track. – Timber Top Sizewell Gap Sizewell Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UH.  Several of the residents made representation to Councillors highlighting their concerns which had been received in writing, and previously circulated.  The Chairman thanked the residents for attending, acknowledged receipt of their written letters, noted their concerns, and confirmed site visits had taken place.  The Chairman confirmed this application would be discussed under item 14b of tonight’s agenda.


A resident asked if Leiston Town Council  had received a reply from the Police or ESC in regard to licensing hearings for the Engineers Arms and Leiston Newsagents. This was in relation to there having been no representation from the Police as a consultee.  The Clerk confirmed no response has been received yet and would chase up a response.  Action: Town Clerk






held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 10 January 2023 at 8.04pm




Councillor J Last (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor T Cooper

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor D Dix

Councillor Mrs S Geater

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley


At the start of the meeting, it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to discuss planning application 14b after item 4.


195.      Minutes


It was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Hill, and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 06 December 2022 be signed as a true record.


196.    Apologies


Apologies were received from Cllr Kyle.


197.      Chairman’s Communications


With our meeting running a bit later this month it’s a belated Happy New Year greeting to one and all.


At the end of December Councillor Susan Geater retired from her post at Leiston Doctors surgery after joining the Surgery in 1987, which I make about 35 years’ service.  Before that Councillor Geater following her training at Ipswich Hospital was a staff nurse working at Aldeburgh Community Hospital from 1980 until 2005. I would like to thank Councillor Geater for all the work she has done in our community over the last 42 years and wish her all the very best in her retirement.


On 7 December, along with Councillors, I attended the Thanksgiving Service for Councillor Phil Harle at St Margaret’s Church, Leiston. I was pleased to be able to say a few words on behalf of the Town Council and the well-attended service was a great tribute to Phil and showed how well respected Phil was in our community.


On 8 December, I attended the Alde Valley Academy Christmas Concert where we were all treated to a great evening’s entertainment with a sprinkling of Christmas favourites and more.


On 14 December I attended the Leiston and District Philatelic Society Christmas event. The group was founded some 50 years or more ago with a founder member still attending and the group is still going strong. A very good and informative exhibition was on display and also a quiz took place, which I have to say I wasn’t very successful at but was pleased to present the prizes to those who were.


On 5 January myself and Councillors attended a presentation by the East Suffolk Council Regeneration Team on the Leiston Masterplan Proposals.  Consultants  will require the Town Council to respond by 18 January, as part of the consultation.  An A3 version of the Masterplan is available in the Council Chambers for Councillors to use.


            Finally, I just want to say once again how wonderful our town looked over the festive season with the street Christmas lights and tree.  Also, the events held on a very foggy and cold day went down well with our community and I want to thank all those involved. I have sent a letter of thanks on behalf of the Town Council to the organisers for all their hard work.


198.    Declarations of Interest


Cllr Cooper for items 14 and 17, Cllr Hill for Leiston Film Theatre and CLT, Cllr Levermore for Leiston Film Theatre and CLT, Cllr Boast for CLT and item 17, Cllr Geater finance and personnel and Cllr Bailey item 17.


199.    DC/22/4509/FUL – Demolition of the existing bungalow and outbuildings and the construction of 4 new homes (2x 2 bedroom and 2x 3 bedroom) with associated parking to the rear. Construction of an entranceway at bottom of track. – Timber Top Sizewell Gap Sizewell Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UH


            The Town Clerk reminded Councillors of Standing Orders ref 1 Rules of Debate at meetings reference (i-p).  Councillors acknowledged the comments and written responses from residents.  After a debate  it was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to  recommend refusal for this planning application.  Cllr Hill proposed an amendment and asked that the Town Clerk includes all the points mentioned in the briefing papers previously circulated and some of the points raised by residents at tonight’s meeting. Cllr Levermore was in agreement with the amendment and the motion was agreed. 



200.    Play Areas/Open Spaces


            Nothing to report.


201.      Assets


a)    Waterloo Centre Wellbeing Pilot Update

Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Corbett and agreed that a charge of £5K be made to the Integrated Neighbourhood Team for the use of the Waterloo Centre as a Wellbeing Hub for a period of up to one year.


It was proposed by Cllr Morsley, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to make recommendation to the Integrated Neighbourhood Team and other partners, that subject to funding being sourced the part time Coordinator post to manage and run the Wellbeing Hub be employed by Leiston Town Council on a 12 month fixed term contract. 


202.    Highways and Transport


            The Chairman reported that County Cllr Haworth-Culf is chasing up a response for us regarding the pedestrian crossing.


            The Highways meeting scheduled for 14 February has been cancelled and will be rearranged.  Cllr Hill commented that it is not worth the Highways Committee meeting if no Suffolk County Council Highways representative attends, and suggested that we escalate our concerns to somebody higher, the Clerk will follow this up.


            Action: Town Clerk


203.      Energy Projects


a)    SZC Deed of Obligation and Terms of Reference


Councillors noted the previously circulated report and change of the SZC Deed of Obligation Working Group to the Energy Projects Working Party. 


204.      Outside Bodies


a)  CLT Trustee Report


Councillors noted the previously circulated report. 


b)   ALS Community Partnership of 7 December 2022


The Clerk informed Councillors that the minutes of the ALS Community Partnership Meeting held on 7 December 2022 will be circulated once available.  Action: Town Clerk


            c)  Net Zero Leiston


Councillors noted the previously circulated report. 


Cllr Levermore asked what was happening regarding Electric Vehicle charging points.  The Clerk confirmed these are part of a wider project that is still ongoing.


205.    Civic Events


a)   Christmas 2022


The Chairman commented that the Town Council became aware that the Christmas lights on the council building had not been working  for the Christmas Eve carol service.  He confirmed these have now been repaired.


Cllr Cooper commented that several residents had complimented how nice the town centre looked but were disappointed to see no lights up outside the Community Centre.  Cllr Dix will raise this at the next Leiston Events Group meeting.


Cllr Morsley raised safety concerns regarding the carpark area at the front of the Council Chamber during the Christmas Eve carol service and asked if a parking suspension could be put in place.  Mrs Everett-Spearing confirmed this is an ESC Carpark but as it would only be for a short period of time cones could be put out on the day and emphasised a volunteer would be required to do this.  It was decided to agenda this item to be discussed at our October meeting. 


b)   Chairmans Reception 2023


Councillors noted the proposed date of the 31 March at Leiston Community Centre.


            c)   Coronation Memorabilia


After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Dix, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed to purchase 360 King Charles Coronation Coins at a cost of £874 (plus VAT), one to be gifted to every child at Leiston Primary School.



206.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that the accounts paid since the last meeting of £65,810.65 be approved for payment.


Cllr Last questioned the amount for booking fees. The RFO will check this.


b)   CIL Presentation


Following a successful CIL presentation from ESC on 13 December 2022, an assets meeting to discuss future CIL projects has been arranged for Monday 23 January, 6.30pm at Leiston Community Centre.


            c)  Parochial Charities

It was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to confirm Cllr Geater as a signatory for the Parochial Charities Fund.


207.    Set the Precept Budget for 2023/24


Councillors noted the detailed report previously circulated.


The RFO highlighted item 7 Future Proposals  in her report which the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) reserve and Divestment Contingency is available with no addition needed to the precept..


The RFO recommended within the report that Leiston Town Council  precept to East Suffolk Council for 2023/2024 should be £339,000 thus meaning a 1.04% rise in council tax for our residents, the first increase in two years.   She stressed the importance of slowly increasing our precept, so that when the cost-of-living crisis has a knock on effect next year, we will not have to increase our tax by a large percentage to cover  overheads.  Cllr Cooper reiterated this point.    The RFO informed Councillors  that Suffolk County Council, East Suffolk Council and the Police have yet to confirm their precept but it is expected that they will increase their council tax.


          Cllr Hill queried why only £2,000 has been allocated towards the Neighbourhood plan as the review is going to cost £10,000.  The RFO and the Clerk confirmed that they had checked previous Council Minutes which confirmed that an additional £10,000 was expected to be forthcoming from Government Funding to cover the full cost of the Neighbourhood Plan review.


After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Cooper, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed that Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council precept East Suffolk Council for £339,000 for 2023/24, which is a 1.04% increase.


208.      Policies and Procedures


a)  Publication Scheme

Members noted the recently circulated Publication Scheme.  On a proposition from Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Cooper it was agreed to approve and accept the amendments.       


209.      Planning Matters


a) DC/22/4746/FUL - Construction of one and a half storey two bedroom dwelling - 35 King Georges Avenue Leiston Suffolk IP16 4JX



c) DC/22/4990/FUL - A1 of TPO No. 17 / 1984 3no. Oaks (554, 555 & 556 on plan) - Crown reduce overextended limbs and lateral spread by up to 2.5 metres - Summer Place Goldings Lane Leiston Suffolk IP16 4EA



210.      County Matters


Nothing raised.


211.      District Matters


Councillor Dix raised further concerns regarding the trading of Leiston Local and the selling of alcohol.  Cllr Cooper confirmed they have an alcohol licence, and all the signage issues are being dealt with by the enforcement team.  Councillors raised further issues concerning chargeable parking, disability access, fire regulations, deliveries, doorway and steps.  It was proposed by Cllr Bailey, seconded by Cllr Geater and agreed to write a letter to East Suffolk Council Planning Enforcement highlighting these concerns and copy in Parking Services.  Action: Town Clerk


212.    Correspondence   


            Leiston Football Club  


Cllr Cooper confirmed that under Section 33 Localism Act 2011 this matter is not considered a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) nor an Other Registerable Interest under the LGA Model of Councillor Code of Conduct.   This confirms he is both able to debate, and vote.  The Town Clerk confirmed that advice had been sought from SALC who had confirmed this understanding.


Councillors noted the request from Leiston Football Club requesting £110,000.00 of Leiston Town Council CIL money to go towards the installation of an all-weather 3G football pitch at Victory Road.  After a lengthy discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to match Leiston Football Clubs contribution of £50,000 and grant £50,000 from our CIL fund and encourage them to look elsewhere for further funding. 


213       Questions to the Chairman


            Cllr Levermore asked if the Neighbourhood Plan could be updated to include Sizewell.  She also asked if we can stipulate the percentage of second homes and what signage is allowed within town centre areas.  Cllr Cooper commented that we need to make sure our green spaces are protected and Cllr Geater commented about restricting the development of large garden areas.  The Clerk confirmed there is a Neighbourhood Plan Review meeting scheduled for next week and she will raise these points.   Action: Town Clerk


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


214     Personnel


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Cooper and agreed that the time being 10pm, Standing Orders be suspended for 10 minutes to permit continuing discussion of Council business.


Members noted the confidential Personnel minutes of 07 Dec 2022.  Item 4 was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed.


Councillors noted the recently circulated Maternity Policy.  It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed to adopt this policy.


The meeting finished at 10.10 pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                    ---------------------------------------------