Pre-meeting Reports

07 February 2023


215.    County Councillor


County Cllr Haworth-Culf sent apologies.


216.    District Councillor   


District Cllr Rainger and District Cllr Daly were in attendance. Cllr Rainger informed councillors of new funding/grant opportunities available through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Setting up Community Pantries and Warm Rooms Schemes.  He advised that the Five Estuaries Statement of Community Consultation will take place in Spring 2023.  Applications for East Suffolk in Bloom free bulbs are now open any voluntary and community groups can apply

He was delighted to inform councillors that the Town Square has been nominated for an East Suffolk 2023 Award, he thanked Councillor Boast for making the application.


Cllr Daly reminded Councillors that families can check eligibility for Free School Meals online and receive an immediate decision.    He also reminded Councillors that photo ID will be needed in order to vote.  He also spoke of the grants avaliable through the Gallopher Wind Farm Fund, the deadline for applications is 10 February 2023.


217.     Public Forum


A member of the public raised concerns regarding cars parking on the road and pavements in the centre of town especially in the evenings and questioned if enforcement happens in the evenings.  Cllr Last informed the resident to report these incidents online using the ESC parking enforcement tool Report a suspected parking contravention - My East Suffolk. Cllr Rainger confirmed that Parking Enforcement will come out to problem areas in the evenings, so it is important incidents are logged.


The Town Council will write a letter to ESC parking enforcement highlighting our concerns regarding parking on the roadside and on pavements in the centre of town especially in the evenings.


218.     Tom McGarry, Head of Regional External Affairs was in attendance and presented an update on the SZC project focusing on Community Pledges and SZC next steps.  Mr McGarry made comment within his presentation that the towns water supply would not be affected by the building of SZC.


During the above item, the time reached 7.30pm. It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Hawkins, and agreed, Standing Orders be suspended to allow the public part of the meeting to be completed.


Councillor Levermore questioned if the apprentices would have to go to Hinkley as part of their training.  Mr McGarry confirmed that they should all be able to train on site at SZC with exception to the twenty already employed who are currently training at Hinkley with the expectation they will transfer to SZC as team leaders.


Councillor Morsley questioned if there will be any training development opportunities locally in Leiston.  Mr McGarry confirmed yes they are establishing good working relationships with Alde Valley Academy and other local education establishments and there will be many opportunities available for local residents.


Councillor Last asked about the Marsh Harrier Habitat and questioned what will happen with the archaeological findings.  Mr McGarry confirmed that all findings that do not need to be put back will be exhibited for public to view and then put into the Suffolk archives.


Councillor Levermore questioned when the Business Development Fund becomes available.  Mr McGarry confirmed this will be triggered when the DCO comes into operation, and this will not happen until final funding decisions are made and confirmed.




held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, King Georges Avenue, Leiston, on

TUESDAY 07 February 2023 at 8.05pm




Councillor J Last (in the Chair)

Councillor D Bailey

Councillor D Boast

Councillor Mrs N Corbett

Councillor Mrs S Geater

Councillor T Hawkins

Councillor Mrs L Hill

Councillor Mrs S Levermore

Councillor D Morsley



219.     Minutes


It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Corbett, and agreed that the minutes for the meeting of 10 January 2023 be signed as a true record.


220.    Apologies


          Apologies were received from Cllr Kyle, Cllr Cooper, and Cllr Dix.


221.     Chairman’s Communications


As Councillors are aware, Thelma Hawkins, wife of Councillor Trevor Hawkins passed away recently. Thelma was a former Councillor  herself, with Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council.  I have on behalf of the Town Council written to Trevor and family offering our condolences. I invite you to join with me in a minutes silence as we pay our respects.


On 12 January it was good to meet with other Councillors and Cassandra Clements, Managing Director , East Suffolk Services Limited  who will be taking on the contract for services from July. It was an opportunity for the Town Council to express their standards and expectations required for these services and how we can work together in taking these forward under the new arrangements


On 24 January I attended the Rose and Sweet Club Christmas Lunch which was actually held in January and our senior residents had a splendid lunch and a very good time.


On 25 January following the Town Council’s decision to grant funding to Leiston Football Club, I was invited to attend the official launch of the clubs 3G Community project and presentation given to sponsors, stakeholders and potential supporters of the project.


On 5 February 7, 2023 at the invitation of 1379 Squadron of the Leiston Air Training Corps I attended the ATC Sunday Service at St Peters Church, Aldeburgh.


222.    Declarations of Interest


Cllr Hill for Leiston Film Theatre and CLT, Cllr Levermore for Leiston Film Theatre and CLT, Cllr Boast for CLT and item 17, Cllr Geater finance and personnel and Cllr Boast CLT.


223.   Play Areas/Open Spaces


a) Update on Meeting with Cassandra Clements, Managing Director,                   East Suffolk Services

Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  The Clerk commented the meeting had been  positive and Mrs Clements  expectation is that the Town Council will see an improvement in the future when the transfer from Norse to East Suffolkk Services is complete Contracts meetings will be set up to work more closely with East Suffolk Service to monitor this.       


          b) Grounds Maintenance Minutes of 18 January 2023

              Councillors noted the previously circulated minutes.


224.     Assets


a)    Waterloo Centre Wellbeing Pilot Update

The Clerk reported that Martin Hamilton, INT Manager has now moved on.  His replacement is Kevin Hines.  Next step to move the project forward is for the Clerk to draw up a job description and person specification for the Co-ordinator role.  Action Town Clerk


225.    Highways and Transport


Councillors noted the rearranged date of 21 February, 7pm at the Community Centre for the Highways Committee meeting.  The Clerk confirmed Wayne Saunders SCC Highways will be in attendance and she is endeavouring to get an update on the Pedestrian Crossing and Seaward Avenue Parking Bays for this meeting.


226.     Energy Projects


Cllr Last confirmed the proposed visit to Hinkley Point is on hold as EDF are unable to facilitate a site visit at present.


227.     Outside Bodies


a)  CLT Trustee Report


Councillor Boast reported thus:


Following the successful Christmas programme the New Year has appeared quiet, but all action has been behind the scenes.


The introduction of the Masterplan Draft proposals has sparked some interesting debate across town, but generally accepted as a much needed boost for Leiston.


The Regeneration Team at East Suffolk Council are collating the feedback from the consultation and once their assessment is complete it will be forwarded to East Suffolk Council Cabinet prior to it going to full council for approval.


The consultation brought many interesting pointers forward which will enhance the draft document, giving rise to further scrutiny and development.


The CLT board are keen to ensure the Church Square remains an attractive and welcome addition to the town,


On Thursday board members intend to have a clean-up, removing unwelcome litter, glass and leaves, whilst at the same time addressing the long-term need for having in place a set programme of managing its cleanliness.


The programme of music events in the band stand for the coming year is being put together, Snape Maltings, Pro Corda, and Brass Band concerts mixed with local talent shows during the summer.


Overall, it is a very much watch this space as we continue to follow our main objectives of new town centre and meeting Leiston’s affordable housing needs.


b)    Net Zero Leiston – nothing to report.


c)  Library Steering Group of 26 January 2023

Councillors noted the previously circulated report.


          d)  ALS Community Partnership Minutes of 7 December 2022

Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  Cllr Hill reported the next       meeting is 01 March and that the ALS are holding a forum at Trinity Park on 03 March which herself and the Town Clerk will be attending.



228.    Civic Events


a)   Litter Pick 13 May 2023

Cllr Last asked councillors to note the new date of 13 May 2023 for the litter pick in memory of Cllr Harle, it has been moved to allow Phil’s former work colleagues to participate. 


b) Pre-Election Guidance

Councillors noted the previously circulated report.  The Clerk highlighted to councillors that the pre-election period starts on 16 March.



229.    Finance and Personnel


a)    Accounts for Payment

Due to unforeseen circumstances this month’s accounts are yet to be finalised and will therefore be presented to council for approval at our next meeting on 07 March 2023.


b)    Youth Club Funding

Councillors noted the previously circulated report, and no questions were raised.


230.     Policies and Procedures


a)  LGA Code of Conduct  

Members noted the recently circulated LGA Code of Conduct.  On a proposition from Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Levermore it was agreed to approve and accept the amendments.


231.     Planning Matters


a)    DC/22/4509/FUL - Demolition of the existing bungalow and outbuildings and the construction of 4 new homes (2x 2 bedroom and 2x 3 bedroom) with associated parking to the rear. Construction of an entranceway at bottom of track.  Timber Top, Sizewell Gap, Leiston, Suffolk, IP16 4UH

previous comments still apply - RECOMMEND REFUSAL


b)    DC/22/4952/FUL - Residential development, including the demolition of commercial building unfit for conversion and the erection of 2 dwelling houses and a small commercial office building. - 1 High Street Leiston Suffolk IP16 4ET

on the grounds previously stated – RECOMMEND REFUSAL


c)     DC/22/4882/VOC - Variation of Condition No.3 of DC/21/3214/FUL - Change of use to restaurant & takeaway including installation of external flue - Hours of opening - 54 High Street Leiston Suffolk IP16 4EW



d)    DC/22/4879/FUL - Use of first floor as six letting rooms (HMO) including alterations to form separate external staircase access - 54 High Street Leiston Suffolk IP16 4EW



e)    DC/23/0155/FUL- Two storey side extension to chalet bungalow - Wrayfield The Common Leiston Suffolk IP16 4UL



f)      DC/22/4866/VLA - Variation of Legal Agreement of Planning Permission DC/19/2040/FUL - Redevelopment of the site for 15 dwellings comprising of conversion of the club house into 12 apartments and redevelopment of the former bowling green for three bungalows with associated access and landscaping - Modify S106 to provide option to retain two afforable housing units - Leiston And District Constitutional Club Ltd Waterloo Avenue Leiston Suffolk IP16 4HE



232.     County Matters


Nothing raised.


233.     District Matters


Cllr Hill raised issues concerning the footpath leading from Buckleswood Road to Highbury Cottages.  Mrs Kemp confirmed these have been reported to SCC Rights of Way team.


234.    Correspondence   


          Reply from PCC

Councillors noted the reply received from PCC in relation to their letter regarding premises variation sale of alcohol in Leiston.


          Licensing Application – Nistors

After a lengthy discussion it was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Boast and agreed to write a letter of objection and copy in the Police focusing on the four main points raised in the reply from the PCC, prevention of crime and disorder, prevention of public nuisance, public safety,  protection of children from harm and highlight the Town Councils concerns around parking issues, prolific signage and the number of already licenced premises in a small area.


          Citizens Advice Grant Application

Councillors noted the request from the CAB requesting £500 from our Parochial Charites Fund to support IP16 residents facing financial hardship.  After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Morsley and agreed to support the application and seek the Trustees approval to  grant £500 from our Parochial Charities fund.


Email from Resident Regarding Footpath 8

Councillors noted the email from a local resident complaining about footpath 8 by Stocks Fair.  The email highlighted the resident’s concerns regarding the boundary line and the fact that there never seems any progression in getting this problem resolved.  They are also concerned about the recent fly tipping of large water containers along the pathway.  The Clerk confirmed that these concerns have been logged using the SCC Highways Reporting Tool and followed up by both our County and East Suffolk Councillors.   This is currently at intervention level and being dealt with by SCC and ESC Rights of Way legal team.  The Clerk will chase a further update and reply to the resident.  Action: Town Clerk


235.     Questions to the Chairman


          Cllr Corbett questioned if the Town Council would be putting on any events for the Kings Coronation after hearing the news that Leiston Events Group are now not in a position to coordinate an event.  The Clerk suggested setting up a small working party to take this forward.  Cllr Corbett, Cllr Hill, Cllr Last and Cllr Geater agreed to join this group, the Clerk will schedule a meeting for next week.



          It was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Levermore and agreed that, under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


236.    Personnel


The Clerk gave a verbal update following the Personnel Committee Meeting held on 19 January 2023, councillors noted these comments.  It was proposed by Cllr Levermore, seconded by Cllr Corbett, and agreed to outsource our monthly payroll to SALC at a cost of approximately £93 per month.


The meeting finished at 9.30pm




Chair                                                                    ---------------------------------------------



Dated                                                                  ---------------------------------------------